Charles & Anne: In the Shadow of the Crown (2024) | Full Documentary

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The current British monarchy is a glorious one, but it has also been a shaky one. 1992 was a year of disrepute for the Royal Family. Princess Anne, the Queen’s only eldest daughter, and Prince Charles, first in line to the throne, paid a huge price for the preservation of a fragile monarchy, a price that had been foreordained from the moment they were born.

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43 thoughts on “Charles & Anne: In the Shadow of the Crown (2024) | Full Documentary”

  1. Yes, Diana and Charles got along a bit better towards the end of Diana's life, but, she ought to have publicly taken back what she had done to hurt him, damage his reputation, his good name. She never, never made reccompance. For that reason, I don't believe she was really a good person.

  2. When we see Prince Charles s life recounted in the present video, we still have admiration and appreciation for the person of Prince Charles.

    However, it appears that, this video aims to enhance the public figures of both Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles, now King Charles III of the U.K. and Queen Camilla. As stated at the beginning of the video, maintaining a certain mystique of the Reigning Royalty is something important to maintain its prestige , given the long period of reign of many Monarchs .
    And , in this sense in the U.K. the history of British Media behavior shows us that they carry out too strong , and exaggerated scrutiny , of the British Royal Family, which makes life very difficult for many of the members of the British Royal Family.

    It seems that, perhaps at his advanced age for the first marriage of a future King, the marriage of Prince Charles with Diana Spencer must have taken place too quickly, there not having been enough time for a better mutual understanding of the lovers Charles and Diana, and little preparatory time for Diana's integration into the British Royal Family's way of life.

    It is true that Diana came from an Aristocratic Family, predicate that should allow Diana Spencer's masterful performance at public events of the British Monarchy (in fact, Diana attracted crowds) , but she was probably used to an environment of greater freedom. Furthermore, in the video they criticize Diana for being emotionally unbalanced, but an unbalanced person does not play the role of Philanthropy, and of supporting very divisive situations, and of great social stigma, as were the cases of supporting patients with AIDS at the beginning of the 90s, visiting directly with patients of this illness, or to encourage politicians to demine territories in Angola, territories mined during the civil war
    Angolan !!!

    As for Camilla Parker Bowles, I believe she makes great efforts to play her role as Queen well, and to be a good support for her husband, King Charles III. However, if she were a person with as many qualities as they suggest in this video, she would always have been a factor in uniting , and of supporting, Diana Spencer's two children, namely Prince Harry, as he will never have the privileges of Diana's first son. , Prince William, future King of the U.K.

    And, it seems that Camilla was more of a factor in distancing than supporting Prince Harry.

    Just remember that, according to reports, Camilla was furious because on the day she was going to give a speech about Domestic Violence, Meghan had a visit to a school. However, in recent times several activities have taken place on the same day by several members of British Royalty.

    It seems that members of the top hierarchy of the British Royal Family wanted to get rid of Prince Harry , because they never liked Meghan's way of being, and due to Prince Harry's popularity in
    U.K. , and that's why they wanted to get rid of Prince Harry , even allowing the British Media will do everything they can to destroy his professional life, behavior very unworthy of any Family, and especially a Royal Family.

  3. This report is worth watching only if you keep in mind that major facts are omitted, such as Camilla's arch nemesis and well known, at the time, rival mistress, Dale "Kanga" Lady Tryon, who was in the picture during Charles and Diana's marriage, who died three months after Diana's murder in November 1997, which paved the way for Camilla to marry Charles. Explanations were glossed over ( like mentioning that the RF name was changed to Windsor but failing to explain why) and trying to beschmirch Diana without taking into account that Charles was carrying on with Camilla, had bought her gifts and left Diana for 6 weeks before they wed leaving Diana in no doubt about who was first in his life, all in efforts to paint a slanted view favorable to Charles. Neither Charles nor Diana were without faults but Charles, the older, more powerful of the two, set the marriage up to fail, interested from the start only in producing heirs. Camilla works so well for Charles bc she is the mother he never had, who cannot possibly upstage him in beauty or popular appeal.

    There is great footage but a more truthful and accurate re-telling is needed. The absence of such does a great disservice to anyone looking to this report in search of the whole truth even in its limited time-scope.

  4. I mean who else is going to be villinized? Who else are people going to blame? It wasn't what Diana said about him or about Harry's book. Charles is the one who chose to propose to Diana without loving her. His friends were absolutely correct. That marriage was never going to work if he never intended to make it work. None of the rest would have ever happened, such as Harry writing a book, had he not married Diana. He brought that on himself 🤷‍♀️

  5. Regretably Charles seeningky allows Harry to insukt his family abd nstion alongside Meghan, both of whom grifters and exploiters. Not really demonstrating what expected but as people not aware gets away with it just like plastic shopping bags filled for cash. However as standards these days are in the gutter he is not held to account and why should he be as he is literally the law. All jolly giod fun.
    Nevertheless he is human and wish him a speedy a full recovery back to good health.

  6. I’m sorry but every person alive must survive their parents! For all of his ,” sensitivity, and kindness” he still violated his marriage vows and tormented Diana, ( a troubled heart in her own right) I believe cherish is the word. Had he cherished her as his wife and the future Queen, this would be a different documentary altogether.💔 and to me (with no dog in the fight) looking on from the outside in, it looks like two people, Charles and Camilla selfish from the start, wanted what they wanted and ruined two families and their legacy to have it! Part of this forever divide is because you reap what you sow #teamDiana

  7. These documentaries are a way of making money from the drama nowadays. They’res NOTHING new or insightful, except sensationalist gutter-Disney YouTube junk. Please 🙏 ignore if you respect the royal family and instead just report the channel.

  8. I urge viewers to read Tim Cohen's book "The Anti-Christ and a Cup of Tea". He puts forth the theory that Charles is THE anti-christ, based on years of research. Charles' custom made coat of arms exactly match the description in Rev. 13 of the anti-christ. Of all world leaders only his name equals 666 in Germatria. He is the #1 globalist with unlimited funds and influence.

  9. Growing up, I couldn’t stand Charles because of his treatment of Diana and his blatant adultery with Camilla. However, now that the Queen is gone, I’ve discovered that there’s more to Charles than what the media has showed us. Is he complicated ?, YES, but he has his reasons like most of us. I’m glad he’s finally King (Not here for Camilla, she’s a peasant) and I pray he pulls through this cancer diagnosis. Princess Anne, is sorely underrated and under appreciated in my opinion. She has a sense of Duty to the Crown that is nearly unmatched. Much respect to her for caring for her mother in her last years and her many contributions to charity.

  10. Both Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip were bad parents. Queen Elizabeth was never a mother, she just gave birth, nothing else, just to fulfill her duty, other people raised her children, she gave them no love, attention, care.
    Charles really had a tough life and upbringing with the horrible parents he had, he had no choice.
    The entire family is messed up, you can see by the awful choices of each of them, the only one who is out of scandal is Prince Edward.

  11. I'm a missing royal family member that went missing 34 years ago at the age of four as they were getting rid of me the beat me chloroformed me and took off my robes and my crown put me in my car drugged they're onto a plane this was a back cover up in the 80s.they took me to Primary School in Midlothian Scotland were thay arrived at the primary school drugged and bruised from The Journey I was heated because of my title you see they had put the land of the Commonwealth the Windsor Estate and over 14 trillion in my true name that Primary School swapped me around with a common boy I was drugged knocked out when they woke up I was in a classroom Primary School class they will ask him my name the teacher told them I just looked different but the boy they swapped me round with looks my double back then if you're looking at my pictures I've been awake for the last for the last 29 days for the last five years they've been doing this to me on and off with electronic Warfare they have money then they found my birth certificate no they know what is on my birth certificate my full Estate the Windsor Estate and the Commonwealth the Crown Jewels two of the largest diamonds on Earth is in my true name but the Prince of Wales pretty much a commoner not even a lane under his name on his birth certificate have there ever mentioned his second name nor because it isn't Windsor William and Harry have the same problem you see William can't even give Kate his second name so how can you call George a king of his second name can't even be Windsor Me and My True mum and my True father are the only ones with the second Windsor name the family has been torturing me with electronic Warfare I have caught them on occasion with electronic equipment getting in and out of Land Rovers I can't wait to hang people since it's been five years they have been doing this to me to try and get me to kill myself so my mother or father can claim my Estate but you can't clear Kings Estate of the King dies the estate dies alone with them but you see ask the so-called royal family or the so-called king and queen Camilla for a loan she can't he can't but I can give you tax free living for land holders country houses rent for you as well the people that helped me will be multi billionaires all this all the things you hear about the lunar night about wine with the grapes from the vein all comes from my head always scientific stuff comes from my head too use all my ideas yet the trying to kill me just remember the Commonwealth is in my name along with the Windsor Estate and well over 14 trillion please help me as I am tired of being treated like something someone stood on

  12. I'm reading comments and it's surprizing how people forgive a man who drove an innocent woman mad and how she recovered when she separated from him and how she was secretly assassinated. It's appalling how over the years, people are blaming her due to all the publicity done by him and forget the abundant evidences available in history.

  13. 1:13: 👑 The British Monarchy holds significant reserved powers and commands reverence and obedience from society.
    5:21: 👑 Royal scandal unfolds as Princess Anne's love letters are stolen and leaked to the press.
    9:44: 👑 Unveiling the Queen's struggle with emotional confrontations and lack of preparation for public exposure.
    14:46: 💑 Charles's growing romantic interest in Diana despite initial doubts and media scrutiny.
    19:24: ⚔️ The supportive and private relationship between Tim and Princess Anne in the midst of media scrutiny.
    24:13: ⚔️ Implications of Princess Anne's freedom from royal expectations and the potential downfall of the monarchy due to Prince Charles's controversial decisions.
    28:47: 👑 Challenges faced by Prince Charles in his upbringing due to his sensitive nature and lack of support from his family.
    34:06: 💔 Evolution of public opinion on Prince Charles post-marriage to Camila Parker BS and insights from Princess Diana.
    39:22: ⚔️ Royal siblings Anne and Charles compete for title of hardest working Royal, with Anne surpassing all family members.

    Timestamps by Tammy AI

  14. Diana was a class act . Charles will always be selfish and a cheater. He lacks moral fiber. Can’t run to mommy now. Pass the crown to William. He IS worthy of respect. Looking forward to King William and Queen Katherine! They will bring back the class and magic!


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