Chaos Dwarf DLC Predictions | Boarding the Infernal Hype-Train for Characters, Units, & Mechanics!

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0:00:00 Introduction
0:00:30 Legendary Lords
0:12:50 Generic Lords
0:15:34 Heroes
0:24:40 Infantry
0:31:45 Cavalry
0:33:52 Elite Infantry
0:44:10 Monstrous Infantry
0:47:10 Monstrous Cavalry
0:48:29 Monsters
0:58:20 War Machines
1:08:20 Final Thoughts

Thanks to Creative Assembly for all of their diligent work going into Warhammer 3 and for allowing me to cover everything.

#warhammer #loremasterofsotek #totalwarwarhammer3


43 thoughts on “Chaos Dwarf DLC Predictions | Boarding the Infernal Hype-Train for Characters, Units, & Mechanics!”

  1. I think the Iron demon might not actually become a unit of its one, but instead comes pre-attached to each war machine it could pull in TT as a part of that unit

  2. The rocket infantry sounds like a weapons team kinda unit give low accuracy bombardment that counts as artillery for leadership purposes, best for hitting big clumps of infantry, but won't kill much unless it's absolute trash

  3. I think we'll have a bull centaur, generic lord as a third lord option. Like an exalted bull centaur. I can't see there being only 2 lord choices, and bull centaurs are so iconic and revered as being blessed by hashut in cd society.

  4. Vis-à-vis the "rocket infantry" discussed around the ~27min mark, there were Chaos Dwarf Bazooka Teams (and Petard Teams) made for the Realm of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness era. But that was before Chaos Dwarfs were Chaos Dwarfs, and they were still just Chaos Dwarfs. If you Dwarf what I Chaos – I mean: if you know what I mean.

  5. As much as i love the older designs id love to see what CA could do for their own design for astragoth, especially considering how well they design things when given the opportunity to make something new with an older design (excluding coatls)

  6. I've been waiting and hoping for this video for a while. I can't wait for the Chaos Dwarfs, or really any DLC to be announced. In recently got back into TWWH3 and have been really enjoying playing as Valkia, but can't wait to be able to play as the Might Dawi-Zharr. Should I play any of the regular Dwarf campaigns before the Chaos Dwarfs, or will their campaign be really different than the regular Dwarfs, never really touched the Dwarf faction during any of the games.

  7. One of my major hopes is that CA does justice to the hellcannon and makes it into a melee slaughtering machine like you mentioned.
    And when it dies, they should also make it explode into a vortex of chaos energy as the daemon breaks loose.

    Maybe they could have a stationary stance where the chaos dwarfs tie it down with chains like the mini, and it gets stronger ranged capabilities and has less chances of exploding on damage and unleashing the daemon.

  8. I'm not sure I want naphta bombs to be a thing. Really just because Ironbreakers with blasting charges are such an iconic dwarf thing, and miners too of course. The Chaos Dwarfs already have a ton of stuff their western cousins don't have.

  9. I honestly don't think rocket launchers are that hard to implement considering we have Iron Drakes and Troll hammer torpedos. I think they will need to be Tier 4-5 units, but they should fit.

  10. I think new breed of orcs in heavy armor(with the same stats as black orcs) should be campain reward for beating Grimgor's faction (like breeding new docile version of alpha orcs). But with ominus campain message hinting their inevitable rebellion.

  11. Hoping for a lord that we didn't see coming, along with the 3 major ones you listed. Once the Chaos Dwarves are in, characters like Grimgor and also the Ogres are going to become far more compelling to play. Even something like the RoC Valkia campaign will improve because there will finally be an eastward path that is interesting.

  12. Ogre slaves could also be a thing, no? Having access to weaker monstrous infantry could have the K'dai be even stronger, maybe Tier 2 for the Ogres and Tier 4/5 for the Fireborn, so that they can truly fuck shit up, as they should!

  13. You know a great way to balance out the strength of the chaos dwarves would be infact to take a page from the lore and cap chaos dwarf unit numbers based on number of settlements since they as a population are extremely small compared to their massive slave population. That way they can be extremely powerful but are limited in numbers so you need to pick and choose what you are going to do with them on a strategic level with for example either making a single highly powerful chaos dwarf army and many low tier slave armies or spreading out your chaos dwarves to your many armies for strategic purposes

  14. A good mechanic for the charging train type war machines could be their lack of a stationary turn circle like steam tanks etc.
    The fact they must charge (like a train) with a shallow turn but basically reverse to get back to utilise their effectiveness

  15. Give the Iron Demon an ability like the drop equipment/mount equipment ability some siege weapons already have. But instead make it so the siege equipment moves along at the Iron Demon's pace (probably need to cut that down a bit when hauling carriages).
    No firing whilst moving though, or even when 'equipped' to the Iron Demon.

  16. Total war games got unit type that unleash dogs and if that is in the code still it could use like those melting fire demons and also for beast units in game. Fire demons should take damage over time after release.

  17. I love 99% of everything about the Dawi Zharr. I just vehemently hate the pope hats. I know some people consider the pope hats like 60+% of Chaos Dwarf design, but I really hope somebody makes a mod on day one that removes them, or replaces them with less ahh silly funny hats.

  18. I hope we get a unique implementation of the train units, like, ultra special units that you can upgrade, Daniel style, choosing the actual parts of the train, but they would be extremely, unreasonably expensive. Immensely powerful for a single unit card, but you can only have one in each army, there's a global limit(maybe upgradeable?), they are vulnerable to being chased by cavalry, especially missile cav(Yeah wild west train robbery let's gooo), they should have a very high top speed, and insanely high mass, but very low acceleration, so they can't be bogged down in melee, but they aren't entirely immune either.
    A lot of these things could also help to create the framework for other units, in other factions. We still don't have units with models that have different stats. There was a mod on the workshop that introduced banner carriers and officers that had better melee stats and more health(Plus it looked absolutely awesome), but it was abandoned.

  19. THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU FOR MENTIONING THE CHAOS DWARF ROCKETEERS!!! No one EVER mentions them in Chaos Dwarf overviews and it is so annoying, they are possibly the most fun infantry unit I have ever played with


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