Celebrating Mars Landing | Everdome

Our Mars Landing experience drop represented the end of one journey… & the beginning of another.

Average time in experience clocked at 19 mins/user as our Evernauts explored Everdome City & the HQ building.

🧑‍🚀 Delighted to have our 1st community meet-up inside Everdome City HQ, celebrating together at Phobos Bar.

🏆 Congrats to winners in our 1st Mars get-together prize pool & thanks to all who shared footage, images & the experience of Everdome on Mars.

🏗 Everdome now puts full focus on building…
– Shared & immersive experiences across our environment.
– Products making the metaverse more accessible.
– Our audience & community, founded on the dedication of our squad of early adopting Evernauts.

Next stop Everdome SPACES. Building Everdome’s user base, ecosystem, economy & metaverse use cases for business, brands & individuals alike.

📣 More soon on SPACES community competitions & launch announcements.



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