Caviezel: “Epstein Island isn’t the only sex island out there.” #SoundOfFreedom


19 thoughts on “Caviezel: “Epstein Island isn’t the only sex island out there.” #SoundOfFreedom”

  1. Ending child trafficking is way up above Climate Change and any other agenda any state, corporation or entity may have for this millennium.

  2. The syndicate behind all this prints money. They can buy anything and anyone. When they are exposed it will be bloody. They have an army of assassins and decades of experience killing people like JFK. I long for a day when the evil is eradicated. I think it will take an army of good determined men thousands committed to one thing, justice for these horrible crimes against humanity.

  3. Really?? I would never have known…… HELLO??? Get real. The S**T has been going on forever all over the world. Even in religious institutions. Yes!! And the pope hasn't done anything about it! There's nothing new under the sun. Wake up and DO something to stop it!!

  4. Necker Island

    Edit: Actually, it's "Makepeace Island", since Necker Island and Moskito Island are being open to the public soon… Investigation is urgently required

  5. God will expose these perverts around the world. Don't buy tickets to the Hollywood that supports perverts and other companies. Blood of Jesus over everyone. Open your eyes.


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