Carnivore Saved Me, It Can Save YOU & HEAL HUMANITY

Discover the transformative power of the #carnivorediet through my personal journey from the brink of health despair to vibrant wellness. This video isn’t just my story—it’s an invitation to explore how adopting a carnivore lifestyle could not only revolutionize your health but also contribute to a healthier, more sustainable world. Join me for a barefoot walk and talk about #healinghumanity

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48 thoughts on “Carnivore Saved Me, It Can Save YOU & HEAL HUMANITY”

  1. @homesteadhow – Hey Kerry, you saved my life. You are the reason I started the Carnivore Diet in June 2023. Down 126 pounds, taken off 1 of my blood pressure medication, brain fog gone, inflammation gone. I am thankful for you and what you do.

  2. Started carnivore diet on Jan 8th this year. Down 37.2 lbs today. Started when I was probably 270 lbs at 5’6.” Currently 232.8 lbs. Literally lost all my “pandemic weight gain” in the last 2 years in less than 44 days. And I’m not stoping here!

  3. I could use some advice, Kerry. There is someone that I know that has cancer, is overweight, is going through treatments, has had parts of his body replaced with titanium because the cancer has eaten bone and their diet is absolutely horrible and seems on the verge of throwing in the towel. If I were to show him one or two videos of yours to help get the message across, AND help them understand the diet itself, which one would you choose? This video here is a powerful message, but one that may include more dietary information too. I feel like I may only have one real shot to get through, and I'm not a great speaker. Thank you.

  4. I’ve been watching for a few months. Just embarking on my 6th month. That time flew! Just wanted to let you know I think Healing Humanity is an awesome project! Can’t wait!!!! Very thankful to be blessed. 🙏🏻💙

  5. Kerry you're amazing. So compassionate and inspiring. Thanks for all your videos. I can imagine having great conversations with you. Everything you say resonates. Sending love and hugs to you, your wife, your girls and your dogs. ❤😁🤗

  6. January 2,2023 my husband and I did a 30 day carnivore challenge. After that he wanted to do keto. I started carnivore. We both just keep going back and forth. My personal testimony is not a happy one. I probably weigh more now than I did over a year ago. I was hoping this January would bring greatness but I keep failing over and over. I can barely walk sometimes due to the pain in my lower body lower back. I can’t play on the floor with my grandson. I don’t look forward to spending time with him because I’m so tired and sore. This should not be! The longest I’ve stayed on carnivore is two weeks and I noticed a difference right away but then I still go back to the junk. 🤷‍♀️I have no integrity to myself. My husband isn’t doing well either. I hear “well you just need a better why”. No, I have a great why! Why don’t I care enough about it to keep going? I’m so hopeless and discouraged.,😢

  7. I have to thank you again Kerry, I've been carnivore since July after stumbling across one of your videos having already toyed with the idea and you made me take the jump, nearly 100lbs later I feel great and actually feel like I have purpose now. It's made me a better father and human.

  8. I am grateful, thankful and blessed. What a great mantra to keep repeating. It's been raining forever here in San Diego…I am not used to it and it's making me feel cooped up. But today, there was beautiful sunshine so I took my shoes off, put my bikini top and shorts on and went outside to pull weeds. 4 hours outside, NO sunburn. I feel amazing. Thank you so much for your enthusiasm…it is not crazy, it is encouraging. So encouraging.

  9. Earthing, grounding by going barefoot keeps the body in balance. Ashen I lived in Wisconsin I used to go to the mailbox on days as low as -10 to -15 below for the practicality of a short fast trip to the mailbox so I wouldn’t end up tracking snow into the house. Just move real fast and look out for those little stones as they are more painful under those conditions 😁

  10. It is not the dead flesh of murdered animals what saved you. It is the elimination from your diet of processed and chemically filled foods what saved you. You could have eaten a tofu steak every day and it would have happened the same and you would be saying how tofu saved your life. It is because you went through an ELIMINATION DIET, not because you were eating dead animal flesh.

  11. You guys should open a meat market! I live in Pewaukee and there is no good meat anywhere near me im considering doing the same! Have a little bookshelf with carnivore books for sale too!

  12. Before I clicked on this video I thought, I hope it's a walk n talk and it was!!! Shine on Fatty!!! Keep these coming. I'll say it again… you should do all your interviews outdoors in nature! Thank you for All you do.
    Nice meeting you Baxter!

  13. I’m cooking my bacon and eating my sirloin and eggs for a week now. The thing is I thought my weight loss would be more important. It’s not. I feel amazing just like everybody says. I have lost weight from 305 to 288 today I guess that’s what seven or eight days I started on 15 February. Yesterday I ran in place with some high knees a few different times. Haven’t even thought about doing that in decades. It felt so good and still does. Come on guys. Let’s get it. Thank you bro for all you do. I shoot video too. Lol if you ever need any B roll hit me up. Lol. Maybe I should start videoing my journey.

  14. Kerry, The National Geographic Magazine used to have a gift catalog that had items that came from all over the world. At the back of this catalog there was a charity that one could give to in order to send farm animals to poor families in order to lift them out of poverty. We can save humanity by not only preaching a proper human diet but,…also by contributing to those who want to live the life but also eat the Proper Human Diet by raising their own food. Contrary to popular belief, America still has poor who need help, just as so many other countries do. We can spread the word with helping produce your movie, and we can also focus our charitable efforts by finding just such charities to contribute to. Try to institute inner city farms and cooperatives in order to change peoples attitudes about food. We need to shake the ivory towers of big government with our message. We understand and sympathize with your passion for this movement. I'm slowly healing and trying to encourage others as well.

  15. You do not have to do complete carni crazy or vegan crazy- Generally on youtube nowadays when someone feels better on one food they start bad mouthing entire thousdands of years human history foods(for example carni crazy bashing plants and vegan crazy bashing meat) but that is not REAL truth. What happens with these guys is they had extremely bad habits and bad foods and now once they start feeling better they think that other side is bad..but actually never ever go extreme in any diet for 90+ years long healthy happy easy life. Remember best ever chess player eats mostly plant based(crazy brain tactics needed), also greatest tennis player ever is mostly plant based for 10+ years(how come???) and Arnie converted to plant based for longevity(he is the smartest guy on this earth!) so the point is you have to think these guys and ask how come and why they are winning? What they do is they follow balanced freshly prepared diet with low fat and low inflammation diet and follow other healthy habits and fasting(this is big one), You will never ever see carni crazy person eating only meat since day 1 of their life until 90. Imagine world with no french, chinese, Indian or mexican food meaning no travel no restaurants, just meat and salt.Its like apocalyptic. ..remember fat was bad and then it was protiens and now its carbs turn…also the top carni disorder guys themselves built their own body eating carbs and fats and proteins…(they never mention). There is a trend on social media…when someone feels better one one food he instantly becomes doctor and starts bad mouthing all other entire food chain humans eat..(saladino was vegan then became carni crazy and now he is fruitivore…) Do following things
    1. Eat 90% freshly prepared food that includes low fat white meat, sourdough bread and fresh fruits and vegetables
    2. If you eat lentils and beans cook them pressure cooker and sprout them before cooking
    3. do weekly 24 hours fasting(DO NOT compress eating window with same calories that is not fasting its bad I to do IF instead do fasting meaning eat less on 4 to 5 days of month)
    4 moderate exercise and walking
    5 deep breathing and socializing
    6 track your allergies and eat food that quickly digests(there is wrong argument about high fat because then you do not feel hungry for long time but that means body is still working to digest that high fat which is extremely bad for longevity..when you eat easy and quickly digestible food then once its digested in 1 or 2 hrs then body starts repairing itself!!)
    7 sleep for 7 to 8 hours and relax 2 hrs before sleep
    But sadly carni crazy shouting at vegan and vice versa all over youyube….

  16. Hey MLK, are you going to ever do anymore homestead videos? I commend you on your movement, and it's great you're passionate about carnivore but it's getting a bit monotonous. You're just talking about the same thing over and over, we get it carnivore saved your life!

  17. I think you could easily fill 100,000 seats! I’d totally travel for this! 100 down, 55 more to go. I was 155 down 6 years ago but last year had too much loses and my 54 year old hubby had a heart attack and quadruple bipass (he’s healing still) but went back to bad ways, luckily only gained 75 pounds so back down 25 more and 55 more to go. Thank you for all you do! Hugs from Ontario canada

  18. Almost 2 months in now. Started on Christmas day. Down a little over 40lbs. Still have some skin issues but I have heard from some people that sometimes that can take six months or more to clear all those issues up. Almost completely free of any cravings for carbs now. Carnivore feels so empowering because now I know that for the rest of my life I am going to be not only fit and healthy but super fit and healthy. It's such and amazing feeling to know that you don't have to worry about heart disease, cancer, joint issues, or any of the other things that we typically associate with getting older. Instead of deteriorating as I get older I will more than likely be in perfect health for the rest of my very long life.

  19. Great video! I walked on snow bare foot recently and it was great. FYI at 5 mins 11 sec in, when you're talking about Maggie and where I presume there is a photo of her, you have a "missing file" red offline square.


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