Canada Has A New Super Weapon Against Russia And The Houthis, The US and UK Are Terrified


24 thoughts on “Canada Has A New Super Weapon Against Russia And The Houthis, The US and UK Are Terrified”

  1. Ahh yes, the infamous Canadian Goose.
    The Canadian cobra headed chicken, I believe the Australia's refer it as.
    A proud bird that really doesn't fear anything except someone snooping around their nests. I've seen them go after bears and moose, and back them down.
    Unlike the Bald eagles, the Canadian goose doesn't look menacing, and assuming so is ur biggest mistake. 💯🤣

  2. Forward-deployed Canadian Goose Special Operations Units are already in position across Finland. Their interactions with our local forces have been… Mixed. The Seagull Tribes have begun discussions of a merger. There will be no sea left safe, if that unholy Alliance is formed.

  3. I hate to tell you this, but whatever you're using to create the text onscreen isn't working correctly. Stop being lazy, and just type the damned words yourself, or is that beyond a soldier's abilities? You aren't the only lazy fuck on YT doing this, so don't feel too bad, but please stop it…or at least check the output before pasting it into the video. There's never an excuse for onscreen text being wrong–that's why editors exist.

  4. Canada geese ARE a deadly weapon!! They decided to land on Fort Bragg(Liberty) in 1998 and haven’t left!!! The term “like shit through a goose” only begins to describe the chaos and damage they cause. 😂


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