Is Final Fantasy 14 Dying?

Lately there have been many content creators making videos about Final Fantasy XIV dying, burnout and Endwalker being the worst expansion. In this video Xeno talks about the state of FFXIV and gives his take on the whole FFXIV is dead content trend.

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#Xeno #FFXIV #endwalker

Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: leo.coman)

Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen

Background music by Sirius Beat

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22 thoughts on “Is Final Fantasy 14 Dying?”

  1. I know for me it was burn out. I was doing solo potd while suffering from disconnect/crash issues and after about 8 months of trying and 10 or so failed runs I finally got Necromancer. The entire struggle was something I did while dealing with a bad breakup in 2020, it effected my self worth and I was losing my grip on my sanity and solo potd was a cycle of self torture and pain. Pour in 8 hours to get to 151+, have a crash, rest of the day sucks or my evening sucks, wait for another moment where I can run potd after work. It was consuming most my freebie. When I got potd I was shaking, and screaming in excitement, but after about 15minutes I was so bored and didn't feel hyped over it.

    I also got a girlfriend recently, so I haven't logged in since A8S, lol.

  2. actually im only in shadowbringers im obsessed with the game but i got bored at one point so i took a month break and i renewed my sub like yesterday and im like alright im feeling it again i totally relate to everything this is

  3. How many times does Yoshi-P have to say he WANTS players to take a break from XIV after they've finished the latest patch content they want to?

    Sadly the WoW refugees are so used to burning out on that game they have no idea of the concept of 'taking a break'.

  4. Been playing since a realm reborn, loved every second of play, but the graphics and game play are so bad and repetitive that my wife and I canceled our subs in middle of the last expansion. We will not be coming back until graphics are updated, and it doesn't play like a game from the mid 2000s. I have loved this game and hope it gets a major overhaul.

  5. I don’t see it dying because everyone on my friends list logs In pretty much daily and my free company is very healthy and almost every members logs in daily to check in and if a game can at least keep u connected daily that means it’s got a loyal community which is very important. I started this game about 6 months ago and there has only been maybe 4 or 5 days total I didn’t log in

  6. LOL FFXIV isn't dead. If you log on you going see a ton of people. If it was dead you log on only see couple people. These people have no clue what dead game looks like. SMH! I been playing online games since first ones was made. I seen dead games. LMAO!

  7. a lot of the people saying these things are coming from WoW and are used to having a 2-4 hour long daily laundry list of MUST DO activities to stay current and relevant, whose entire design is not for fun, but for player retention.
    If that is what you want, go play WoW again, XIV is not the game for you. XIV is for casual play, even at the highest level it's fairly laid back and designed to be completed with no more than 3 days or minimal 1-2 hour commitment per WEEK. If you're bored, cancel your sub for a few months, go play something else, and come back later. Stop being a sweaty poop-socking MMO nerd and go touch virtual grass in other games.

  8. The graph looks good to me. I don't understand. Of course there is a peak at the end of SHB and beginning of EW. That's the giga climax of a 10 year story. They also have no exploratory mission this time around to maintain the playerbase, the new relic quest was a mistake.

  9. You have it right that this game isn't suffering from burnout so much as boredom. Yeah, there's a lot to do, but not everything is something someone will want to do. It's kind of like when you have a big bag of mixed nuts and you have already eaten all the cashews and peanuts and macadamia nuts and all that is left is walnuts and almonds. Some people like almonds and walnuts, but you don't, so you really just aren't into it anymore.

    And yeah, new content right now is thin because of the upcoming expansion, so that does help with the boredom. I'll be honest, I mainly use FFXIV as a roleplaying place and barely do content anymore. I only do content for glams and money mostly.

    That said, I DO think that Final Fantasy XIV is slowing and probably losing some userbase. I think that there was a wave of people coming off other MMOs looking for something different who have finished what they want in the game, I think that some are just looking for a full new experience, and other reasons. I think that FFXIV hit their peak, that there was only so many people that could get into it, and now that is petering off with time.

    By NO means do I think the game is dying, at least not in any immediate sense. Sure there may be a slow bleed of users over time, but I think this MMO has 10 years left before it becomes effectively derelict. The party is still going, but we are past the ball dropping. I think in 5 years it will start winding down, and by 2033 the new content will effectively stop. People might still play, but it won't be an active game.


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