Star Wars army defends a critical bridge against a relentless zombie horde!

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9 thoughts on “CAN STAR WARS ARMY STOP ZOMBIE HORDE FROM CROSSING THE BRIDGE – Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator 2”

  1. I know this is for fun , but you want to separate the enemy into small pockets of mangable troops, and the fact they can't fire this should have lasted maybe 8-10 minutes, making "kill boxes" is what you're aiming at during heavy combat. All the units on the bridge should have charged to slightly the end of the bridge and the AT-ATs should have fire at the foot of the bridge, maybe they will have a multiplayer option so you have 1 man control each force and a Battilion Commander calling the movements to their NCOs, using what the DOD calls "God weapons" meaning a live pred drone in the air, and using satellite imagery, what gamers call "God Mode" ,and using at ground level scouts as advisors of troop/zombies moments back to the C/O. meaning the AT-ATs could have separated large pockets of men before they get on the bridge , and the first 2 units of soldiers all pushed foward would have made easy use of 12 at a time coming onto the bridge…its already a massive choke point All the units on the bridge should have charged to slightly the end of the bridge and the AT-ATs should have fire at the foot of the bridge, included moving back into the next column , if they had those controls and using AI when a unit becomes "combat ineffective" meaning it doesn't reach the level of a group that no longer accomplish its given missions. it could be from lack of men ,lack of ammo, or food.. and have them automatically retreat to next line…If you could have control like that and know combat tactics , you could win those with half the troops in that same time period…look at the outcome of the AT-ATs when they fire on the bridge @18:31 and setting troops so far back it allows large groups of the enemy to fight you in a narrow place , you don't wanna be on the bridge and you do not want to let the enemy get on it either…


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