Can Shane Walk?

This episode begins with grey hair and underwear…. this will all make sense soon! Then, we are sinking our teeth into Shane’s strength journey and where things are today. AND we have a really really big announcement for you!

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Executive Producers are Riley Peleuses + Michaela Garrison for YEA Networks / YEA Podcasts

If you are interested in advertising on this podcast or having Shane and Hannah as guests on your Podcast, Radio Show, or TV Show, reach out to [email protected]


36 thoughts on “Can Shane Walk?”

  1. I always wander around my house in a tshirt and underwear. I also stay up really late. One night it was about 1am and I was checking on an order I had made online. It said it has been delivered a few days earlier. I checked the tracking and it said delivered by the back gate. It was so late and no one was around so I just went outside and along the side of the house as I was… no pants. When I got to the back gate a car pulled up next to the house. I hid behind the trash cans and not only was it a car… it was a cop car! I tried to open the back gate to slip into the yard and it was locked. So there I am hiding behind trash cans with a cop car fifteen feet away and nowhere to go! The cop got out and walked to the house across the street. I booked it back to the front door! Then I went to the back yard and to the inside of the gate and there is my package. 😂🤦🏼‍♀️

  2. Thank you Hana and Shane for your wonderful content. You are both amazing beautiful people that bring awareness to people that don’t have a clue of what people with disabilities go thru in everyday life. I would appreciate it If you could do a junk yard mayhem on disabled accessible bathrooms and how important it is for people to have access to them. They are not for pregnant women. Being pregnant is not a disability it’s a choice. They are not for the lady that have multiple children. Or the drunk guy that had to much to drink and there’s not an available urinal stall. I have a 12yr. Grand son that’s autistic with MS. And there has been so many times that my daughter or son in law has taken my grandson to the bathroom and no available stall because their was a non disabled person in the bathroom stall clearly marked Disabled Accessible♿️
    Sending you both much love💜

  3. Question! How does it work with Shane’s wheels rolling outside and inside, it doesn’t get dirty at home? How do you keep the wheelchair clean?
    Greetings from Sweden! I love your videos😊

  4. What a fantastic win! I drive clients who have accessable vans. A few are interesting with how to get out. Most are on the passenger side of the van. I've had a few instances where either the van parking is taken but there is a regular accessible spot next to it so I back in to access the space needed to bring out the lift. I couldn't imagine the headache of a ticket just because of that asinine rule.😅 Seriously fantastic win! I love bringing awareness to typical living people because there are just so MANY obstacles for those with special needs that just aren't thought about. Sometimes it stuns me with what someone doesn't know because I think it's just basic level almost common sense information but I have to remind myself, I've had 7 years of knowledge and multitudes of clients whom helped me understand so much more.

    Also, I LOVED learning how to cut hair because my clients needed them but didn't have money to pay for one. I spent a good amount of time learning from videos so I could give them more confidence and forget about the financial issues. 😊 Shane you look amazing! And fantastic job cutting his hair! 😊

  5. Not an MS patient but a fellow wheelchair warrior. Luckily I can stand and transfer. But since using a WC I was never previously aware of the inaccessibility in some areas. I have compression fractures from breast cancer which metastasized to the bone. Thanks for changing the world one town’s handicapped parking spots at a time.

  6. Kudos to the viewer who emailed that council woman! I am so glad it worked out for everyone in the end! What a Ridiculous rule to have so some lazy city worker didn’t have to leave his or her car to check license plates.

  7. I just saw the love story of both of you on Facebook, then I searched on YouTube, but you both really love each other very much. I am very happy to see you together. Allah Ta'ala helps man in any way❤😊

  8. I love you guys, and can’t believe some comments are so ugly. They obviously need to see love, since they feel the need to lash out at innocent people sharing their lives with strangers. You’re both so awesome.

  9. The fact that people think that an unfair law should exist and be fallowed is nuts laws can be put in place in bad faith especially when the laws effect a marginalized community the people who made that comment would probably also be against people breaking racist laws back during Jim Crow

  10. Score on the parking reform in West Hollywood. And yes, I was one of those people who wrote "why not let SHane out and then park facing forward" so thank you for schooling me on that one because I've never driven or parked a van with a ramp and I need to learn these things along with all the other able-ist thinking folks. (I submitted a separate comment with a $ Thanks – didn't even know I could do that. It's under the … symbol next to the Download button.)

  11. I have watched a handful of your videos so far (and I just subscribed, so I will be watching them all! 🙂), and I find you to be such an enchanting couple! Humor and team work are two of the most important qualities in a relationship, and you definitely demonstrate that. I have heard you mention the negative comments that people leave about you, but I am so happy to see so many warm and generous comments because you deserve it. ❤

  12. 🙁 i guess my question about the question mark was just silly, sorry about that. I bet you have some fun stories about Shane after a hair cut, handsome devil that he is. Love your new format. Still wondering about your refering his muscles and preventing them from atrophying its extremely important to pick one or two area's you want to keep your strength and maintain and even gain muscle strength (obviously) sorry guys its like 5 am in the morning and hopefully not to many typo's, but if Shane can tolerate light exercising to gain strength and his stamina and tolerating (start very slow okay) you will begin to see how much better you feel and the strength level will improve more each month…and he will actually feel better. You two take care of each other, I love the way you love each other and anyone who'd question that has obviously not watched any of your videos. God bless you!!

  13. Shane, your philosophizing about life and decay, with us all being in the same car spirialing, reminded me of a powerful dream… I was sitting with some friends in an old school bus parked by the old school, enjoying music and company and a nice view from the top of a hill looking over a grassy hillside. Suddenly and unexpectedly, the bus started rolling. I was in the driver's seat, so I grabbed the wheel and stomped the brakes; they didn't work. Tried the emergency brakes, nope. Steering around obstacles got harder and harder as we built up speed and it looked rough ahead… I couldn't let us crash! So I said, with great urgency, Fly FLY FLY!!! and the wheels left the ground and we lifted off! The steering still worked and we flew around till ready to come down, gently rolling to a stop. Yes, decay is part of the cycle that we all grow from and in. Still, there are many paths and routes from here to there! We can learn to use natural magic, quite likely you're already doing it even if you might not have noticed. Dreams are a great place to practice. Best wishes to you both, thanks for sharing your journey, and thanks for the show (especially Hannah, haha)

  14. Dudes, gotta tell you about my friend who had a bad reaction to a flu vaccine some years back, triggered an auto-immune disease that was destroying his nerves. He walked with a cane when I met him and numbness in his feet and lower legs was getting worse. When I did some searching online, I found a group where folks were discussing the link between diet and auto-immune disease. Turns out that the type of illness my friend had was especially common in Scandinavian people, which he was, and they recommended cutting out wheat and cutting back on sugar, increasing leafy greens and fresh fruits. He was game to try and after a few months he was getting better at walking and next thing you know he kept forgetting to use his cane, leaving it behind when he got up to go because he didn't need it anymore! The doctor confirmed that his nerves were regrowing, slowly as nerves do, rather than decreasing as they had been for years, and when it continued to improve at the next appointment he said Rolf didn't need to come in so often, and to keep up the good work. So I hope you guys will consider dietary modifications along with the other therapies you use. Best wishes and much LOVE, Nancy

  15. I am going to put out there that I am not differently abled. Over the history of the world there have been many instances where laws are unjust and inappropriate. This was when civil disobedience was necessary and appreciate. If the law is bias against group then it must change. Bravo to the person who stopped up and helped fight! A win for all the differently abled people in our society! ❤️


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