JUICE (Episode 4) – Nuclear Renaissance

The global nuclear comeback is real, even in Japan, where the accident at Fukushima Daiichi still looms large in the public’s consciousness. For proof of that comeback, we went to Canada, where a tall, Toronto-based emergency room doctor named Chris Keefer ignited a groundswell of support to expand and refurbish Ontario’s fleet of nuclear reactors.

Watch JUICE: POWER, POLITICS & THE GRID via links below:

Episode 1: Texas Blackout

Episode 2: Undermined by Enron

Episode 3: Green Dreams

Episode 4: Nuclear Renaissance

Episode 5: Industrial Cathedrals

For more about JUICE: POWER, POLITICS & THE GRID visit the website:

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9 thoughts on “JUICE (Episode 4) – Nuclear Renaissance”

  1. I have always been of the same conviction, that nuclear is a must-have, if we want carbon neutral. The purpose of this Bryce-documentary is to drive home something that should be common sense, and isn't, yet. But you can't, you just can't publish something about nuclear being safe, without addressing Three Mile Island and Chernobyl.

  2. It's very heartening to see that Canada is retaining its nuclear-reactor capacity, and hopefully building new reactors. The CANDU heavy-water reactor, in use at the Bruce Power site, may be one of the safest designs on the current market. Now if Canada would just develop a small, modular CANDU reactor….

  3. I joined Greenpeace to advocate for nuclear power from the inside.

    “To do what ought to be done, but would not have been done, unless I had done it, I thought to be my duty”

  4. Fukushima should never have happened. A strong-willed politician wanted the plant in his district, right on the largest fault line in the region. All their plants should be on the west coast


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