BumbleKast for September 23rd, 2022 – Q&A Podcast with Ian Flynn

Check the Master Q&A spreadsheet to see if your question has already been answered in a previous episode: https://www.shorturl.at/vEGR6

Ian is working on Sonic Frontiers, but we cannot answer ANY questions regarding the game at this time due to legal non-disclosure agreements with SEGA.

Patreon Perk – Jump to the Q&A: 0:55

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There are too many questions to list here, so go check out the Master List to find them: https://www.shorturl.at/vEGR6


29 thoughts on “BumbleKast for September 23rd, 2022 – Q&A Podcast with Ian Flynn”

  1. September 23rd, 2022 Question Timestamps:


    1:01 – It's brought up in the comic that Sonic doesn't want to kill the villains. But I find it odd that he doesn't even want to imprison them indefinitely or for just a certain amount of time. I've discussed it with the friends, and we generally agreed while it's understandable Sonic doesn't want to kill, not even wanting them locked up goes too far in the opposite direction. […] So I was wondering if you can clarify or explain anything about this decision to have Sonic have this mentality, as I'd like to hear straight from the horse's mouth about it, since that might let me better understand it. P.S: I know partially it's about Sonic believing Eggman will one day become good, I never found that a satisfying answer since it's Eggman, so that will likely never happen.

    3:09 – I've noticed that the emotionally charged character arcs in the IDW run seem to be relegated mostly to the original characters (Whisper, Tangle, Belle and Surge immediately come to mind) while characters like Sonic and Shadow are written noticeably more muted. Is this intentional? Is this something to do with the rules of the IP? It's something that's becoming more apparent as the run goes on and Sonic becomes more and more emotionally stagnant, but wasn't quite so prevalent in the Archie run.

    4:56 – I have read some interviews about your writing process in Megaman, as you had to watch Let's Plays in order to write it. Some people now think this applies to Sonic too. Have you played all Sonic games, or have you been in the necessity to watch let's plays of Sonic?

    7:51 – Why would you reward anti Sally and Sonamy fans with Salicole? They lose legitmacy on the fact alone that they are anti Sally fans. Plus Sally and Nicole being lesbians goes against their characterizations from SatAM. Sally was established as a heterosexual. Turning her into a lesbian just to have more SonicXAmy is selfish. Ian did not invent the established Sally Character him and the other Sally haters and anti Sonally fans and Sonamy fans had no right to change her. The disrespect was just purely uncalled for. The whole on-and-off relationship thing was because of writers and SEGA interfering. When the two were allowed to be together they had great chemistry and showed that love will prevail, even if they were separated, even if they were from two different classes, they could still make it work. I find that way more inspiring than a hammer-wilding yandere getting her way.

    11:29 – Just bought the Tangle and Whisper mini series and I've been reminded that Whisper's mask can translate wisps. Now from what I understand, all comics onwards do not acknowledge this and this doesn't seem important to the plot. So did you forget about this? has this been used or is this going to be used? I feel this could be relevant for a story?

    12:13 – I'd still very much like to know whose decision it was to change the histories of the core [Freedom Fighter] team from their DiC/early Comic origins, when there was, as far as I can tell, absolutely no reason to change them. I also want to know whose decision it was to remove Robians in their entirety, thus prompting the change in Bunnie's history during the reboot.

    15:20 – Was it necessary for Dr. Starline to die? Why did he have to die? Why was he killed off? Dr. Starline has been one of my favorite characters from Sonic IDW. Was it necessary to kill him?

    16:03 – Is there a reason why you hate Marine the Raccoon? I know she's hyperactive and annoying, but she means well and has a good heart on top of being developed as a character in future games if she returns.

    17:30 – Why have Shadow turn into an idiot? You could easily have him stay in the cast instead as a proper contrast?

    18:44 – The "Sonic's world is cartoon logic" excuse doesn't sit right with me when (with the exception of Tails' flying) Sonic's version of Earth does seem to have it's own logic and physics that make sense. Cartoon logic implies that there's no consistency or purpose, it's like calling Superman's flying cartoon physics, there's an internal logic to it that just doesn't exist in the real world. Ian, do you disagree or do you not mean to imply this when you say Sonic's Earth has cartoon logic?

    21:11 – Why make Sonic lose his memory at the end of the Zombots arc? Wouldn't have it been easier to simply keep him unconscious instead? Was there at some point any plan to develop this plot of Sonic who lost his memory?
    (This was last answered on the February 11th, 2022 BumbleKast at 1:09:47. This is a popular question, if memory serves. Check the Master list if you want other instances of this question)
    21:46 – I've said it before and I'll say it again; can we stop acting like Heroes made Amy crazy/psychotic, or otherwise ruined her? The only actual instance of Amy going "off the rails" in that game is that SINGLE cutscene preceding the Team Sonic vs Team Rose boss fight. Which shouldn't be taken as anything remotely serious given that 1) the cutscene only exists to establish conflict for a boss fight and literally nothing more, and 2) it is just one of three other cutscenes which have other characters acting wildly hostile and trying to kill each other for the sake of said boss fights. Need I remind y'all that Team Dark vs Team Chaotix had Rouge getting overly hostile and attacking Team Chaotix out of blind paranoia? We don't act like Heroes made Rouge into a paranoid psycho because of her equivalent cutscene, keeping in mind the merits Heroes added to Rouge's character as a whole. But for Amy, Heroes made her "off the rails" and "psychotic" for that stupid cutscene, even though that game upgraded Amy into a badass hero who leads her very own team? And not only goes on a 3+ day journey to help Cream and Big find their missing friends out of kindness (with getting to be with Sonic being a bonus) but raises their spirits whenever they get discouraged?

    24:17 – Master Emerald has no properties yet games show otherwise. Contradictory there.

    The next 3 are Goku vs Sonic questions. This is your warning to either avoid the comments or join in! Have fun regardless!

    24:36 – wow bro, you contradicted yourself tremendously saying that goku is superior to sonic, when literally sonic defeated beings capable of erasing space-time itself, and believe me, in dragon ball the greatest power feat is being able to destroy 12 universes (which not even it was made by goku or bills)and solaris destroyed everything,all timelines,all universes,all dimensions,i understand that you are probably a fan of dragon ball,but,please,destroy 1 universe is irrelevant to destroy a endless amount of universes with the presence, please is not that hard.

    26:01 – I can’t believe Ian said Game Super Sonic was less than planet level when he beat Chaos, who’s stated to be able to destroy the planet. He’s beaten Solaris who by Ian’s own admission can wreck everything. It’s crazy because Ian in this same Q&A contradicts himself, he admits Mogul was destroying infinite multiverses(or he at least admits that Sonic has infinite multiverses) which is far above anything Goku could ever dream of doing. Ian knows that DBS only has 12 universes right?

    27:48 – I have to disagree with you on Sonic's power, Ian. He's fighting beings that go above a celestial scale, they go cosmic. These are 4th dimensional beings he's able to hurt.


    29:04 – Thanks to those who support the show

    31:16 – Is it ever truly Friday?

    31:39 – Ian pulled a “SHUT UP TAILS”

    32:01 – Well, unlike Goku, we all know that Sonic is the best at brushing off lasers when his guard is down! Especially in 06!

    32:22 – Regarding the Sonic franchise, I take Eggman’s advice. “Expect the unexpected. Chaos is the constant”.

    32:36 – The Shadow and rise. (I also liked that joke, Ian)

    33:38 – Sass vs sass

  2. As someone who isn't quite able to pay to ask questions, I'm just gonna say it…

    Maybe you should require people to pay to ask questions outside of the livestreams. This episode's selection was BAD.

  3. 7:51
    Though I would've preferred this user to ask their question more politely and respectfully, I do thank you for answering it as I do find it gives much needed clarification. I think part of the problem is that while your intention was a fully clean break, the editorial team did not let you have one, (though for understandable reasons) so while the Sally being used here is indeed not the one from SatAM, it is still the same Sally from pre-reboot who like her original incarnation till the reboot was completely straight. Couple this with the book being canceled before the past events could get fully established, Sally not really being to shown to have feelings for Sonic outside when the memories of her old life were still active and the general distaste of changing a character's individual characteristics people have due to it commonly being the result of horrible writing created the perfect storm for this misconception and made the events look much more harsh than the actually were.

    Joking or not and while I understand these can be annoying, I do think it would be a mistake to take away Sonic's growth from Generations that would do more harm in the long run, especially when its one of the very positives the Meta Era has. Though now that I'm thinking of it, it probably wasn't Sonic's strength that did Perfect Chaos in but his speed, as Tikal states to Super Sonic if you're having trouble that Perfect Chaos can only be damaged by ramming him at light speed. Which is far more fitting of Sonic's character. I do find it a bit odd however, that people are so focused on Sonic's strength when that has never really was the focus of his ability set, speed is. (Not trying to throw shade, I'm just confused)

  4. Lots of long questions this episode. I realize there would be misrepresentation issues with doing so, but I wonder if maybe a character/word limit should be set or if some questions may need to start being condensed? Would help with the flow of the episode (and your backlog) if there's less room for the askers to ramble.

  5. Funny you bring up Jon Gray, because whether or not he was responsible for "The Slap," he is very much a rotten POS, especially with his disrespectful remark about the late Queen of England, even using Ian's "Big Oof" line.

    Another garbage human being is your pal, Tracy Yardley, for his disrespect towards Sonic Team's Yuji Uekawa with that disgraceful edit of Shadow (you know the one I'm talking about). Not even getting into Yardley's complete lack of professionalism, especially with how he insisted that 50% of the USA is associated with Nazism. That's a serious statement.

    And then there's you, Crouse; agreeing with the sentiment of "Let's turn brain off and enjoy Technicolor furries!" Why don't you turn your brain off and stuff your fat face with junk food?

    Funny how Sonic's a "children's fantasy" when it's not doing things like the Zombot Arc, Flynn, where folks praise it for being "dark and serious," when it's really just morbidly depressing, and ALMOST EVERY CHARACTER ACTS LIKE AN IDIOT. And it ain't just Shadow.

    Flynn, I know you're lying about Sonic's characterization, since the games DO NOT SUPPORT YOUR STATEMENTS. And you can't even remember things you yourself said on your own podcast; why should I believe anything you say regarding SEGA? After all, you expressed frustration with Shadow not being talkative, when that's perfectly in-character. Sonic in the games isn't the manipulative bastard that you portray him as in IDW, nor is he one to deflect blame.

    Oh, and he doesn't spare Eggman, either. He's not stupid enough to think that Eggman can be good, and certainly not when Eggman himself CHOOSES to be evil and ENJOYS it. That's why your comic is just glorified fanfiction, and it always will be, no matter how many times you throw SEGA under the bus to protect your ego.

  6. 3:09 I'd argue tangle didn't have an arc yet. Not really one to call her own. There was never any real significant focus on her. She just acts as a support to whisper or other characters. She's not struggling to find her place in life or anything like that. She's kinda flat like sonic when it comes down to it. Not necessarily a bad thing, but you know. Even her backstory equates to vague outdoor adventures.

  7. Dear Ian Flynn, considering how the Sonic IDW comics isn't afraid to get dark with some of the story (Whisper's backstory, the Metal Virus arc, Surge and Kit), what about if the public was somehow informed about Sonic's hand in Eggman's return, but in such a way that had everyone convinced that he was partially responsible, and to the point where even Sonic himself was convinced of his own guilt. Would it be a plausible plot point if Sonic and his friends was informed of this and showed each of their responses? Like, how would each of them react? How would the public react? Would their view of him be damaged? And to what extent?

    What about some of the other less optimistic characters like Espio, Whisper, and Belle? Espio and Whisper briefly lost their friends during the resulting Metal Virus arc, and Belle lost her father. They wouldn't at least become disillusioned with him for it? Would Shadow go ballistic at Sonic for it if he learned about it?

    Come to think of it, what if someone like Clutch, Surge, or even Eggman himself somehow managed to get their hands on this knowledge and pulled a Dabi from MHA by making this public specifically to tarnish Sonic's reputation? Does it sound like an interesting idea for him to deal with their loss of faith in him while saving lives for a while?

  8. Question:
    can game super sonic use the super genesis wave just like archie sonic did in world colide
    And also one more thing since
    In sonic 3
    There are super emerald could game sonic also have access
    To ultra form
    Oh and don't worry about the ring game sonic already has over billions

  9. I have some questions about Sonic Generations, all connected to the same subject, that I'm still questioning to this day.

    So tell me: Why is Crisis City in Sonic Generations (console/PC version)? Wasn't the events of Sonic 06 erased? Weirdly enough, after you beat a Challenge Act in Crisis City that includes Blaze, she will say that she never thought that she'd find herself in Crisis City again. How does she remember Crisis City?

    Is it possible that Crisis City is in White Space because it is an erased timeline? Do people in White Space remember erased memories in that huge, blank, timeless area?

    Also, if Sonic restored all the stages, and destroying the Time Eater, doesn't it mean that Crisis City (and Sonic 06) did happened, or is it in another timeline?

  10. I’m so sorry for his today’s episode went. Hopefully this question will be on the lighter side of things.

    To Ian and the true Puppet Master Kyle. Say Kyle ordered Sega to have Ian write an upcoming Skies of Arcadia comic series to promote a remake of the games that leads into a trilogy! Who do you recommend for the main artist of the book?

    With admiration

    Team Kingdom Key.

    P.S. Thank you both Ian and Kyle for taking your time and energy to not only enlighten our curiosity but for at least making me laugh.

  11. Amy and Tails were the same age in the classic days. Both of them growing up admiring Sonic and becoming strong in their own way already gives them something in common. On top of that, both of them could affirm each other's confidence, leading less to codependency and more to just building each other up while they're already strong on their own.


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