Breaking: "China Troops On HIGH ALERT" After USA and Canada Ships In Taiwan Strait
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42 thoughts on “Breaking: "China Troops On HIGH ALERT" After USA and Canada Ships In Taiwan Strait”

  1. What is Canada doing there? They do not have the military hardware all of their equipment is aged and obsolete. Oh I get it Trudeau is attempting to look like a big man.

  2. I loved both Kevin Wilson's song & Formerly Jacob Song I have the Kevin Wilson CD & love it, but I have not heard the song and want to know the name of it by Formerly Jacob. It was so moving!!

  3. To the issue "World War Three": Read Isaiah Chapter 13 and you'll get to know the future of America. And this is not from me at all. It's from Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj, who preached this message on Thanksgiving 2021 in Maryland. And he got this information through a revelation from the LORD.

  4. To the issue "flee from the wrath to come". This is not necessary because HE knows how to protect HIS remnant. And no: The time of great tribulation will not be in the future. Because the panic for a pandemic (Luke 21,26a; WHO 03/11/2020 to 05/11/2023) was the time of great tribulation (Mathew 24,21-22). So the next biblical events should be

    1. Judgement of mystery Babylon (Isaiah Chapter 13)
    2. War against Israel (Zech 12,1-10)
    3. The Three Days of Darkness (Isaiah Chapter 24)
    4. The coming of the Son of Man (Mathew 24,29-31)
    5. A new creation (2.Peter 3,13; Revelation 21,5)
    6. The Millennium (Revelation 20,1-6)

  5. Hurricane to sit off NYC to Highlight the UN 2030 agenda progress seminars. God will not allow this tyrannical agenda to be implemented in full. Exact same time as Rev. 12 sign is complete (in Virgo) 9/19/23. Amazing timing!!

  6. 2nd Seal Opener (Red China is the "fiery red horse"): Back in March 2014, LORD gave me a flash vision of a US warship with a Buddha hovering over it – alluding to China! Then the scene exploded!

    NOTE: 1st Seal Opener is Cl9 and its 💉 = pre-war Bi-O-Weapon = Revelation 6:2's "bow."

    China, Russia, Iran & No. Korea will attack Babylon-US on an Oct15 date (I don't know the year). See Jeremiah 51:27-30, Amos 3:7.

  7. President Xi did go to the are g20 summit. I saw a video of it. His bodyguards tried to run in to follow him and they shut the door. I heard they arrested them and nobody has seen Cii since he has a spokesman now. So who nabbed him the white hats or the CCP?

  8. If you have something to hide you will not give numbers of the death toll or missing and the Maui authorities know but they won't talk about it because they are guilty of many things obviously say the people. Look what they did was 9/11 bolognaey and we still haven't gotten to the bottom of it although we know.

  9. I realize that some things need to be discussed but the dramatic over thinking has to stop. Im weary of trying to separate just bologna from what is extremely important and the drama is getting old Having to take longer and longer breaks from watching these videos. Not concerned about china attacking. Biden is in "relations" with China. Actually the entire elite population is in there with china…they will learn…..
    Nothing ever made in china is made to work more than a couple of times. Its the fact our government has hired them as "special security " that should be more taken note of. Love you pastor but drama has to stop. Im weary from taking in so much and having to separate what is conjecture with what is pertinent.


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