Breaking Bad Season 2 Episode 9 & 10 Reaction

In every freaking episode, Walter never fails to surprise us! and Jesse..well, he is still Jesse 😂. We love both of these episodes and we hope you guys will enjoy them too!

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➡ MJoy4Fun is an interracial couple from Romania and the Philippines. We mainly post reactions and vlogs on our channel! if you enjoyed this video, leave us a comment below! 😊

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25 thoughts on “Breaking Bad Season 2 Episode 9 & 10 Reaction”

  1. I love watching your reactions. You get a big kick out of the same things I remember laughing at when I first watched this. Jesse just excels with his goofiness in these episodes, so hilarious.

  2. "Ahhhh… a wire" ALWAYS hits.
    That such a simple line in a show full of drama and action can be as effective as it is shows the quality of the writing.
    The little character moments mean as much as – and oftentimes more than – explosions and shootouts.

  3. I really like this couple. It feels like I'm right there in their home watching this with them. I also like that they're doing Breaking Bad 2 episodes at a time. Keep up the great work, you two!

  4. You have no idea just how crazy this show is ahout to get. If you like season 2, season 3 is a complete roller coaster ride! Incredible writing, acting, action, etc! Season 3 is what put this show on the map. Enjoy the ride!!!

  5. Walter hit the thing out of distress. He did all these criminal acts because he thought he was for sure going to die soon, but now he realizes maybe he never had to, but he can't change what he did.

  6. Hey guys I just wanted to say I genuinely enjoy your production quality. The editing is very good and entertaining! I also think the way you interpret and analyze shows like these are always on point 🙏🏾🙏🏾

  7. "For happiness, I can't believe it!"
    He did it because he thought he would die before there was any word of the good stuff.
    So when he found news about he's going to live… he was pissed he was going to live when he should've died.
    Ironic… don't you think.

  8. I feel the entire boiler storyline was telling us more about Walter. He was the boiler, he was broken and he in a sense "leaked" onto his family by being the way he is and this has caused the floor or the bond of the family to become damaged. He goes out and buys and brand-new boiler, or for him, he is trying out his "new" lifestyle, not broken, not leaking onto his family as he has decided he is out.(he eventually notices he hates this) but he notices the floor, or the family is damaged. He ripped out the floor is walt desperately trying to repair that bond that he sees is damaged.

    There is a lot more to this analogy, but it would be getting into spoiler territory.

  9. Walt was punching the paper towel holder because he was upset. Upset that he did all these terrible, illegal things because he thought he was going to die and wanted to leave his family with money to support them, and then he ends up not dying and now has to live with all that he's done.

    He definitely wasn't happy 😂

  10. The punching is I think his “joy” in having done all the things he’s done thinking he’s going to be dying within months at most, only to be in remission and maybe living a little bit longer. In the short time, there’s already been some blood on his hands through his actions whether directly or indirectly.


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