Bonehead Bowl 2023 Blood Bowl 11s – Live Stream!


9 thoughts on “Bonehead Bowl 2023 Blood Bowl 11s – Live Stream!”

  1. Great fun watching these crazy teams face off against each other, but very surprised to see no Amazons with their excellent Blocker. College of Heavens seems OP being able to take 6 str4 Blockers. I suppose no Star Players hurts them a little.

    Very good setup and commentating, but please take your own advice in the stream and get a flat sided dice tray with a scatter template printed onto it! So many cocked dice I thought the Khorne team had brawler at first with the amount of rerolled block dice.

  2. Though I didn’t make it to the top table this time, I was happy so see some of my painted teams on the pitch. Dan was using my undead and dark elves in the first game. 😁
    Playing for the dirty player award is not conducive to winning games 😉

  3. Huge props to Ben for the nearly 8 hours of commentary.
    I was the Undark/Shelves coach, really took that one Zombie for granted! Necromancers working overtime on those regen rolls also helped enormously. Nathan was a great opponent, and that beautiful pass was my tournament highlight. Thanks for running another awesome tournament guys!

  4. What a great experience this was! First game at my first tournament and I get to be (in)famous. Huge thanks to those who organised it and to my opponents. Bigger thanks to my wife who still let me go after she gave birth only 6 days earlier! #keeper

  5. Shame🔔 shame 🔔shame🔔 on me… I am that terrible coach that brain farted sidestep on to hakflem… i can only profusely apologise to my awesome opponent Rik, who was a gentleman and an all round quality coach. If it makes it any better my two brothers who also attended have been ripping the p!ss for hours now and who dont intend to let 'flemgate' go for possibly years to come! I humbly apologise again and promise to next time leave hakkers in the reserves bin and forget about him all game like I did with bomber (I still have no idea how I managed that) – cheers to the BHP crew for an amazaballz tournament… me and the merry northerners will defo be back for more mixed team silliness next year!


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