'Blood in the Soil' – A Poem by Abu Usamah

A dear brother wrote this and shared it with me today. It’s the first poem he’s ever been moved to write. I asked if I could share and he said yes. So pray for him and his family when you also pray for Gaza and Palestine.

‘Blood in the Soil’ by Abu Usamah

Soil is mud, dirt and mess
Soil is unwanted, more or less
from Soil came Adam and then us too
from soil grew seeds that the wind blew

the soil absorbs our tears while we look and cry
the soil catches the blood as our people die
This soil will testify to what really went on
This soil will not forget all the lies and wrongs

This soil has many hands planting seeds
clearing obstacles and pulling up weeds
so that one day soon, a new crop appears
that is strong and pious and has no fears

Allah, from this blood and soil, sprout a blessed crop
that will not compromise and will not stop
that fears no tyrant, nor seeks fame
nor participates in Shaytan’s game

This crop will come by Allah’s leave
but most of us will not believe
Until we age and we start to spoil
and we ourselves, return to the soil.


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