Blizzard Is Doomed if this is true

It’s over for Blizzard.
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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
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49 thoughts on “Blizzard Is Doomed if this is true”

  1. Have not played any Blizzard game since Shadow Lands and nothing I see here is making me earn back the trust and seams to if anything else proof to me that I am not missing out on anything.

  2. So basically the original post is following the 2 truths 1 lie formula so it seems less ridiculous and more plausible. The whole WoW going freemium thing is absolutely ridiculous on the face of it given that they just brought Chris Metzen back.

  3. I wonder if part of the problem is that kids coming out of college today are not as smart or creative as college kids in the past. Today's colleges are more concerned with teaching woke agendas and telling these kids WHAT to think instead of HOW to think for themselves. That is going to translate into ever industry. The pool of truly gifted people is probably shrinking.

  4. Asmongold, Michael here from south africa. doubt you will get this but might as well try, you never know lol. So my laptop died, cant game anymore. My dream laptop came out was wondering if you would get it for me. MSI GT77. The last laptop I will ever have. would really appreciate it and if I dont hear from you. Please never stop what you do, your the most critical content creator and your opinion is not bought, you say the thing as it is which is what is sorely lacking now days….God bless bud

  5. "People watch classic hardcore… because its a better game!"

    Nobody would be watching classic if not for hardcore. And what does it say about FF14? It's a bad game now? All those rants and speeches about ff14 doing it better and more social etc etc. Yeah lets forget about all that, cuz it doesnt have enough TWITCH VIEWERS LMAO

  6. Here we go again with the WoW token. When did you were not able to buy gold? FFs you could even buy entire characters on ebay.
    What the fuck is he talking about? And that's not just since WoW it goes all the way back to diablo.

  7. from someone who plays hella ton of mobile games, their trick is that they get into audiences that normally wouldnt give games their money. For example, before mobile, i was the kind of person who thrive in 70% off steam deals and free shit you could get by subscribing to a new platform. Never wasting money in a game, played years of hearthstone and never bought a single pack, years of league, not a single skin, tried genshin on pc, no stardust acquired, the list goes on. But somehow, a random trashy mobile game got $100 from me and a trashier, more girlier game, has gotten much more than that. And in that second game, we have a guild with 24 members, of which all spend between $10-100 monthly, most playing for more than 2 years, all of them women who wouldnt dream of wasting money in a game, before now.

  8. The idea behind an easy, relatable casual game is that anyone can play and understand it. Casuals will play it and understand it. "Regular gamers" will play it and understand it. "Semi-hardcore" players will play it and understand it. Tryhard/No-lifers will play it 24/7 until they drain the content. This balance used to be completely fine until social media came into play and changed gaming forever. Now everyone has a voice that can reach everyone. The minority of tryhard voices are amplified so much, that it impacts everything at the highest level. That wasn't really possible before 2010. Now it's something that can affect populations in a game before games are even released.

    When a game's barrier to entry is raised to meet the requirements of tryhard players, this amplifies gatekeeping and toxicity because the inability to catch-up will hinder the progress of others. I could get into the game, learn it, study it, improve and eventually play it at a high level because I've done that before… but WHY WOULD I DO THAT? Why would I put my effort into a game to catch up with years of feature creep, when I can put in much less effort into another newer game and play and have fun much faster. I wouldn't play a game like WoW or GW2 or SWTOR or Warframe to just play those games. I want to play games and have fun right away or almost right away.

    The importance of an accessible game isn't just so people can braindead faceroll through it.
    When the game is designed well, people of all skill levels can have fun with the game in different ways and all be fulfilled to some extent.

  9. As a gen z, I hate battle passes, the only game I “give a pass” is halo infinite because you can play any of the battle passes at any time, except for the events which are limited battle passes with a different name

  10. We want more bosses. Add Water bosses to classic: giant hydra, sea giant, giant threshadon, a pirate ship you clear and loot good chests in, a naga boss. All of a sudden people are buying water breathing potions etc and exploring the water realm too. They are so close minded in what the game needs.

    finish the continents. then finish the ocean. then let us sail the seas.

  11. I think you definitely would notice if 80% were fired. 343i has new leadership and Halo has already got so many game modes that the community has been asking for. Giving us what we want is not difficult. We just need the right people in place to do it.

  12. If they want to "undo the damage" of Overwatch 2: Sell the IP to a developer/publisher that actually cares.
    As long as ActiBliz has their name on the game, it will always be damaged goods.

  13. You're so funny Asmongold it's not funny any more ,it took U 15 years to leave WOW & u seem to know about the whole gaming system already ..& u only started playing eastern games in the last year or so,but like u said it's you're opinion ….True that..

  14. WoW as F2P… Im interested, i feel like the game no longer worth a subscription and wont mind microtransactions for skins cosmetics etc they could proly end up doing much more money that way and bring back many people cuz itd be free

  15. IDC about battle pass if there is enough content to warrant the cost.
    I feel like most games are unfinished trash, they charge 70-100 dollars plus DLC… The cost outweighs the content and THATS my issue. They keep releasing unfinished games and then ask you to pay for them to finish the game.
    Its like a contractor intentionally half-finishing a project then asking for more money to finish the project that was already agreed on.
    Im all for DLC to support ongoing content.
    Im just not all for DLC when you already cant finish a game in the first place.

  16. at 21:00 when asmongold makes a comparison of classic wow to retail. its perfect man like i quit playing retail because everyone in the game is toxic they want to tell you how they can do +28 keys and you cant but no one gives a shit about your 28 key man its lame im on classic hardcore right now having so much fun and everyone else is having fun

  17. 8:00
    That's why the industry should stop chasing trends, and start having some originality again. They're not going to sell games by chasing the coattails of a trend that people stopped caring about, trends don't work that way, and this concept goes for every business out there, that's why most businesses have market analysts that say "this will/won't be popular in X months/years". You're either creating the trend, you luck into the initial setting of a trend, or you're losing money because people aren't seeing why they're buying your game, which is the 10th Fortnight clone.

  18. I had an insane amount of gold before they allowed players to buy gold. Being able to buy gold doesn't change things because it isn't like there was daily limit of how much gold you could make in the game like they have in a lot of Mobile Games.

  19. Some good take in there, but wanting to change the game to make it easier overall is such a bad one. There is easy content and difficult content. If you can't deal with the latter…. just don't!

  20. I've gotten to a point where I just don't give a f anymore. I'm too old to. If the game is fun, the game is fun. I still have fun playing Dragonflight and I had fun playing D4 and I play OW2 with my homies every Friday night till 2am. Do I dump a ridiculous amount of money into ANY of these games? Hell no. Besides the initial cost of the game, the monthly sub for WoW when I'm playing or the battle pass for OW2, I don't spend a single dime on these games. It sucks to see their quality diminished from 20 years ago, but it is what it is. It's a different world.


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