Blackstar Rising – New Song (Demo) Japanese Import Bonus Tracks

from the ashes of CARCASS, 1997’s Blackstar (aka Blackstar Rising) Japanese Import Bonus Tracks – Track 16 of 19 – New Song (Demo) from “Barbed Wire Soul”. The first 11 tracks are the regular album, as it was released in other markets. You can easily find all of them right here on YouTube. EAC Secure WAV

Blackstar was basically 3/4th of the Swansong lineup of CARCASS with Bill Steer leaving for his new project Firebird and ex-Cathedral guitarist Mark Griffiths joining. From my perspective, if you follow the path of Carcass’ musical evolution up to this point. This would have been the next logical step had they never changed the name or that direction. Unfortunately, the group was already losing steam and lost their band name in the US to a pre-existing rap duo. This forced a change to Blackstar Rising. The final nail in the almost already sealed shut coffin of Blackstar was Ken Owen’s brain hemorrhage. The sales were pretty atrocious too but if you like Jeff Walker’s unique voice and thought Swansong was still great music. You may like this. I know I did.


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