Biggest Mistakes Rapidly Aging You! – Fix This To Stop Decline & Stay Young After 30+ | JJ Virgin

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JJ Virgin is a triple Board certified nutrition expert, Fitness Hall of Famer, and four-time New York Times bestselling author. With over three decades of experience in the field, she has become a trusted authority in nutrition, weight loss, and wellness. She is the author of four New York Times bestsellers: The Virgin Diet, The Virgin Diet Cookbook, JJ Virginā€™s Sugar Impact Diet, and JJ Virginā€™s Sugar Impact Diet Cookbook.

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41 thoughts on “Biggest Mistakes Rapidly Aging You! – Fix This To Stop Decline & Stay Young After 30+ | JJ Virgin”

  1. Scientifically proven nutrition, sleep and lifting weights.
    You might not live forever or avoid all illness that comes with age, but your life quality will last many years longer than the average human.
    That's it.
    For now…
    Following longevity and lifespan development.

  2. Amazing content. 8 years ago best shape of my life and now, the worst. This was such a good reminder of how important resistance training is as we age. Coming up on 59th Birthday and time for me to get back to where I was. Thank you so much for all of this!!!!

  3. If the body is designed to live to 120yrs and the studies show plants are poisonous, are you able to see why you Don't live to that age??? From a knowledge side, read the old testament it tells the story about animal sacrifice for god. Poisoning of the air, land and water. The Killing of those who do not follow a god. What's the problem?

  4. I like her energy! Itā€™s nice to see women like her, who are aging smart and fit. Women need good role models in order to stop fearing ā€œthe bulking up mythsā€ and fear ā€œthe sarcopenic and metabolic slowdown truthā€

  5. I think stressors at your age my oldest son committed suicide last May 2023 and oh my gosh have I aged since then I had very few wrinkles very little gray hair. I had energy I was vibrant and now I feel like a lump. Iā€™m doing everything I can to maintain and I will get through this but boy oh boy I hardly recognize myself. Iā€™ve had other deaths in the family in the last few months that hasnā€™t helped.

  6. I like the video but maybe I just missed it but I got lost with the machines and things they mention. For a total beginner like me it would have been helpful to have a detailed list of everything mention. Sorry if I missed something.

  7. All this is well and good but with arthritis and bone on bone shoulders, a knee replacement included how do you exercise and build muscle. Yes I walk but as a life long swimmer who used to swim a mile a day this is so frustrating. At 72 my body is unknown to me these days. I eat 90% pescatarian and cook fresh but the results are nil! No one has been able to give directions to those of us who have issues.

  8. Exactly on bad knees/back! Itā€™s an excuseā€¦start slow. If we donā€™t use it, we lose it. Itā€™s a vicious cycle. I had a neighbor with bad knees tell me itā€™s because she walked too much and I do tooā€¦bless her heart šŸ’œ

  9. For some of us, longevity, much less healthy longevity, isnā€™t worthwhile if weā€™re going to spend all those extra years mostly alone.

    Some of us donā€™t want to be cogs in the economy then drains on the economy with no one by our side and no one to pass things into following our demise.

  10. I always find JJ really great at explaining and making the important topic on aging and protein easy. Itā€™s fest you are on a podcast with your old friend MH . I donā€™t think we need a timeline. Iā€™m listening to you whilst doing jobs around the house. It motivates me to keep on the right track. Thank you both!

  11. Thank you Dr. Hyman for having such an amazingly knowledgeable, inspirational & professional woman like JJ who not only talks about what ā€œwomenā€ go thru but whoā€™s also living & experiencing it! She also includes men as well, making this an all-around guide to aging well but also for looking & feeling good! Listen to this ASAP!!!

  12. Where I am frustrated is people that use the GLP1 medications don't eat and never exercise and are getting incredibly thin. I have always watched my diet and worked out consistently. I know in my heart I'm healthier but these people are shrinking and bringing back the pencil thin look.

  13. I am so sick and tired of the medical profession today who looks at people and says oh you're getting older don't worry about it just do the best you can this is so detrimental it's like they want you to desperately be unhealthy. And this is part of the problem if not the majority of the problem telling people they're old before their time what a bunch of nonsense

  14. Couple of points and pls forgive me. This is the elite olympics with high value people who have direct access to Tom Brady's coaches and who think Dexa is inexpensive. Most of us who try ar wrestling with limited insurance, limited ability to pay high rates for mediocre trainers and have to drive an hour to get to one. I am currently wrestling w trying to come back 6 mos post slap tear repair. PS: Do NOT recommend!

  15. Several women I know who took estrogen while on HRT got breast cancer.I stay away from estrogen for that reason..Progesterone and testosterone are safe and work well,especially on preserving bone and maintaining healthy sex drive among many other things

  16. In the beginning stages of learning how to deadlift at age 40, I tweaked my back. It was horrible. Although, I didn't give up! I let it heal. I did yoga, stretched exercises, and walked until I could get back and try again.

    I'm 48.5 years old right now, and I just deadlifted 245 lbs yesterday. It's beautifully empoweringā£ļø

    My goals are to be able to strength train until the very end of my life. šŸ’Ŗ

  17. A good summary, reflecting my experience.

    Job rules dictated I had to retire at 60, twelve years ago and, tired of the rat race, I was quite glad to do so.

    I had always been able to eat much of anything I wanted. I decided to enjoy life and ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, while remaining what I thought was "active", while coping with quite a "bad back", especially bothersome in the latter years of my work career. Needless to say, I put on 15 kg pretty quickly and my brain started fuzzing up and I was generally feeling more lethargic and ā€œarthritic" aches and pains as I went along.

    After retirement, I also decided to look for old school friends and so, spent time on the web and, one thing leading to another, I saw and followed Dr. Tim Noakes's woes with the Medical Council In South Africa, over his (Banting based) dietary advice to certain patients… At about the same time, I also stumbled upon (not sure who was first) you, Dr Hyman with "Eat Fat, Get Thin" and Dr Dale Bredesen with "The End Of Alzheimers". Between these two, something clicked in me, that our sugar laden nutritional habits (I no longer use the word "diet"), had led us (well, me…) into a state where my body had forgotten how to "digest" real "food".

    Amazed, finding this out at 63, I started out, changing my eating habits, eating less refined carbs, more protein, full fat and increasing fruit and vegetables. I lost my extra 15 kg pretty quickly and felt much better, generally. I lost that hungry feeling between meals and ate less in-betweens, and reduced sweets, sodas, etc.

    Somehow, though, I remained with a general queasy feeling that just wouldnā€™t leave. I was often nauseous, but not to the extent of throwing up. I also often had abdominal pains, but again, not severe enough to call cramps, more uncomfortably bloated.

    Anyway, I figured out one day, after two different antibiotic courses in close succession, for two different ā€œbugsā€, I felt my liver had probably suffered an undue blow, and I stopped all coffee, which helped me feel about 50% better, but that queasiness just wouldnā€™t clear up. Almost like a feeling of, ā€œIā€™m just too old for thisā€.

    Then, one day, the peanut supply (my anytime favorite ā€˜proteinā€™ snack) dried up and, like magic, everything was gone, and I was well again.

    From there on I was even well enough to start up, the sport of my youth (swimming) again. That was the best thing yet for me and today, at 72, Iā€™m competing in Masters competitions, even giving the younger ones a go at times.

    Those darned Peanutsā€¦, cost me about 4 years of my life.

  18. 14:37 eat protein first, lift heavy things, sleep thru the night; 1gm/lb of goal weight. We continue to eat until we get adequate protein ultra processed taste umami mimicking protein
    21:21 GLP1 agonists similarity to protein, curb appetite and cravings, RDA not sufficient to build muscle and collagen; losing muscle leads to bone density loss
    24:52 muscle protein leverage hypothesis, people who eat protein first make better food decisions
    28:46 Amino acid from protein help neutralize toxins, why juice cleanses donā€™t work
    33:28 creatine
    35:11 anabolic resistance, harder to gain muscle later in life
    39:43 fasted vs non fasted workouts, daily regimen depends on personal preference
    45:43 strength training: size, strength and power to build quality muscle
    50:57 body composition importance vs weight on scale, dexascan
    59:04 importance of sleep and recovery, foam rolling, massage, epsom salt baths, heat and cold exposure
    1:03:17 supplements: creatine effect on mood, skin, mitopure urolithin A, vitamin D, electrolytes, when youā€™re dehydrated you convert glucose to fructose in liver

  19. Sheā€™s little full of herself and a little too technicalā€¦although I do believe what sheā€™s saying when Iā€™m understanding what she says. This video could be a lot shorter, less technical.


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