LITTLE WHITE BIGFOOT SIZE COMPARISON (Attempt #1). Since completion of this video. I’ve decides to do another β€œWhite Bigfoot Size Comparison” video. I’ve thought of a couple of ways that I could do this better. And one, will acquire another person to sit with the camera and direct me in. Hoping a family member might help!
It was a good day casting this foot-print! β€œSammy was there, but wouldn’t stay. Very unsettled. I know why of coarse. He is my β€œBigfoot Detector!”. And I have learned now, that I can always count on his acute canine abilities to let me know what is happening around me. I believe one of the Sasquatch were there, watching! The wood-knock was an absolute! give away. As well the foot-falls back in the pasture. They Watch!
Take care, Stay Safe! And Stay Tuned! I just got back from the White Birch Bigfoot Clan. It was a good day! Up there at the WBBC, and I seen and heard much.
See You In The Trees!



  1. Not stepping out is how they survive. They've been around longer then mankind and they trust their ways. Look at the mess humans have made of this planet and they see that. The government knows they're here. I don't need a video to prove to me that they're around. I believe.

  2. @ 2:01 a female "laughs" here (I guess she is laughing at your drawing) @ 3:15 a tree knock @ 3:23 another tree knock @ 3:26 a kids vocal here @ 4:49 I heard a voice say "there cuckoo" @ 4:50 a disembodied voice whispers "down" @ 4:53 a disembodied male voice whispers "calm down" @ 4:55 a female vocal says "right here" @ 4:59 a female says "snap crackle " is what it sounds like same female from @ 4:55 @ 5:02 I heard a whistle this is all happening on the left of the screen @ 5:05 another whistle @ 5:09 another whistle @ 5:12 a tree knock @ 5:14 again "snap crackle" this is a female voice @ 5:17 whistle @ 5:21 again a whistle @ 5:25 again a whistle @ 5:27 a wood knock but very close @ 5:30 another whistle ( boy there active today again) @ 5:34 again another whistle @ 5:36 another whistle @ 5:44 whistling again @ 6:10 a male metallic voice says "nice visit" @ 12:33 i hear movement behind u @ 12:42 I hear something moving close by ( I can hear the movement as well) @ 13:54 there is a weird sound here like something flapping in the wind ( when they feel comfortable to step out they will and u have had the Sabe step out but from a distance) @ 17:37 I heard that thud ( the footprint is of a youth) @ 20:39 20:53 the heart beating starts @ 20:55 20:09 that to me sounds like rapid small bangs on something thanks for the adventure Robert and thanks for sharing with me cheers x

  3. We had a storm very recently which took out some tree's. I went out to document "storm damage" , and wow.. All I see is tree's standing – not 1 tree was down.. So, now I deffinetly know wind damage from Bigfoot knock over. I went to his last destruction site yesterday, and put 2+2 together. He threw the rock at 1 tree, and knocked them down 1 by 1.. in that immediate area, and then separate trees. 8 total.. He was that mad cause the owner of the property dumped 2 loads of dirt and rocks at his vantage point.. i have also seen an orange cat, with a white coat that goes around his heading that area , a design I have never seen before . This is some hobby we have. Haha.. Best of luck out there.. I'm glad you have open ground, my ground is too stiff for tracks..

  4. Nice cast Robert πŸ‘£I think they were very close watching and listening once you started working on the print they are becoming more relaxed on a daily I think, curious as well great video buddy cheers😎

  5. Very close to your mom's house & yours. Have you considered putting an audio recorder either inside your house or your mom's ? Maybe you'll record them tapping on one of the windows or hear them walking around outside

  6. I'm sure you've been told this before. You have a great friendly demeanor that comes out in all of your videos. That White Sasquatch is amazing and maybe that Sasquatch track belongs to it. Thanks for all the great Field Research.

  7. I feel they'd love to intergrate and connect up close and personal but they are fully aware how dangerous that would be to their soecies, knowing how destructive and selfish we can be. It would be suicide for them, so staying at arms length is about as good as its going to get as far as learning intimately about their phycy etc. Thats just my uneducated opinion.

  8. Hello Robert! Thank you for doing the size comparison for the white big foot! At first glance you can see that there is no one in white today! The white big foot was obviously not even trying to hide…. You did the comparison pretty good! I agree, the big foot was a little more back in the trees – but it is obvious that he/ she is tall and massiv! The wistles are so loud and clear – they watched you! And the track – it is so huge! 14 inches long! Wow! And there is the beautiful teepee! I already missed it. Time for a big foot story at the teepee, with a lovely camp fire?! The walking noises from the trees – I thought it was Sammy! Because it is so loud and seems so close… To me the cast turned out really good. Reminds me of the other ones you found back there. I too think, that the Sabe left the print, so that you could and would find it – like a play. That they avoid cameras is well known. And the nativ people, clans did that as well. I remember chief Crazy Horse allowed no one to take a photo of him, because he assumed that his soul would be traped in the picture. I think that is not that far- fetched…there is something to it. At least we all can get the magical stuff that is happening through your visits in the woods through your videos…. And I guess the Sabe know that we little humans do not react too easy, if we see them – feel there huge energy, when they come close… Thank you for sharing this new adventure! And now I am waiting for the White Birch Bigfoot Clan video….

  9. im very stoked for you that someone left you another gift for you to share with us.
    I imagine a lot of us are wondering if it is the white one. Your relationship with them continues and slowly grows in such a beautiful way. Many Thanks buddy πŸ‘βœŒοΈπŸ˜Ž

  10. Hey Robert, always a great day when I see a new video from you. Great idea with comparisons of you and the white Sasquatch. The chalk board is going to produce something fascinating I Believe! Great idea my Friend.
    It is such a Blessing to live so close to your Mother! I can tell you from experience spend as much time with her as you can. We only have them with us for so long. I promise you will be thankful knowing that you spent all those hours with her when she has moved on to the next world. You are a Good Son, I can tell your relationship with your mother is wonderful. Hats off to you my Brother. Thanks again for taking us with you on this journey.

  11. Definitely interesting. I do not think the white creature is as small as you might have thought before doing the comparison. Distances can be hard to judge. There is no doubt it was there watching you. My guess is that one is the gift giver.
    Cool find with the footprint. Good job casting it.
    it seems obvious to me that these creatures have learned to avoid humans primarily for their safety. Humans are by far the most dangerous creatures on the planet. The Sasquatch have learned to avoid people. This seems to be their strategy for survival. I cannot blame them. TY MH

  12. Hi Robert, your sketch of the forest being on the chalkboard is really good πŸ‘. A lot better than I could do. I'm limited to stick peopleπŸ˜„. How about audio recordings? Is your clan very very vocal at night? Just a thought.

  13. Hey Rob. Hows it going? I have something I would like your opinion on as this is boggling my mind and this has happened 3x now over past 4 days in my back acreage. I built a shooting range some time ago and used bunch RR ties as my backstop. This Backstop is about 7.5 ft. high and bouble thick, nothing is getting through these thngs, they are 9 inches wide x 2 ;layers. Anyway, we have put on yop of backstop 10 apples, couple fruit pies, banana. I then set out 3 Trail Cameras, placed a good distance away at different angles to capture whatever might be taking the fruit. All 3x we did this, all the stuff was gone with no signs of any apple cores, seeds, no foil from pies, nothing, not even several yards all around AND all 3 cameras showed the fruit on top of the Backstop then next frame it shows all gone and nothing or no one moving them. What is going on here? Any Clue? I cannot seem to figure out what could be the issue here.

  14. Hi Robert ! That was a great explanation about "why" they stay hidden. And yes, they are definately camera shy. They are smarter than your averge bear. Thank you (Cyber hugs!!! ) again for sharing your incredible work with us. I will be throwing you some coffee when I can….I mean handing you coffee. I would NEVER throw coffee at you ! LOL πŸ›‚

  15. Robert have you ever lost any animals to any predators? Or have any gone missing? Im intrigued to hear so many sightings of the Sabe along with strange flying crafts. Have you had strange lights on or over your land? I understand that there may be β€œTYPES” of Sabe as there are different cultures of humans. So, just maybe there are certain TYPES of Sabe that interact with Star People. Thank you so mich for sharing Robert. You Sir are a great great man.

    1. I believe these Great Beings have undeniably some of the best senses. They can probably sense the cameras. With their infrasound abilities they can affect the cameras and humans.

    2. I feel that these Beings can sense a pure heart and mind in humans. The last thing Robert needs are any BAD HUMANS coming around causing any distress to the Clans around.

  16. The cast came out really great. πŸŽ‰ The print feels energetically to be feminine to me and very similar to the white females when I saw her in the image. Does it feel like the same energy to you? Does your mom, sister/niece get taps on their windows too?


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