Bigfoot – Man Eaters & Killer Sasquatch | The Ultimate One Hour Late Night Strange Series!

Happy Holidays everyone! On this episode I took all of my bigfoot series and montage them all to one, but have edit this so it would flow much better making this your go to video about the strange side of Bigfoot! Hope you all enjoy! Happy holiday and happy new year!


32 thoughts on “Bigfoot – Man Eaters & Killer Sasquatch | The Ultimate One Hour Late Night Strange Series!”

  1. Happy holidays everyone! I took all my Bigfoot video and decided to make one long version of combining them all to make you an ultimate series of the strange side of Bigfoot! If you haven't already, "Like and Subscribe" for more content! Happy New Years!

  2. Love ya man, been listening to you for a few years but can I just say your plurals should be looked into. It is distracting, I mean 'childrens', 'deers', 'bigfoots' all have unnecessary 's's on them. Ok, nuff said. Good compilation with some stuff I had not heard yet. Happy New Year dude.🎉

  3. My parents told us stories of these creatures when I was young. I grew up in the U.S and thought it was just stories. This video is describing the exact same thing they told us about. Especially about the creature grabbing you by the arm and looking up at the sky before they eat you alive. Honest to God, that line right there gave me chills.

  4. Keep in mind.. sCiEnTiStS here in the USofA can't even distinguish the difference between
    XX Female and XY Male – The TWO and Only Two Genders! That said..
    There is ZERO Chance of them having Any credibility when it comes to cryptozoology!

    This video / These videos are GREAT!!
    Keep up the awesome job bro, and thank you for sharing!!
    Sam –

  5. Yes That one at 1:06 I would like to know how these so called scientist that say they do not exist explained how the family of them were caught on a government or parks department camera. I remember seeing that, it was a lot clearer than this image at 1:06

  6. Hi brother I didn’t know you were Hmoob until you said Mos Hlub. It’s great to hear you find interest in David Paulides too. I been following David before 2010, before his first 411 book and still follow him closely today. I hunt alone with bow and air rifle and I don’t carry which goes against his rule #1. Just subbed and will support your great content!

  7. Nice work subscribing. I think they are the nephilim from the Bible and the book of Enoch. The Giants the cursed children of the angels who fell. Yes indeed. They fear heaven as only the spirits do. And they have ever since their petition to God via His Prophet Enoch failed and God refused them because they caused so much blood to be shed in the earth. He cursed them. Indeed even before the Flood. They were around before the flood and after the flood as well. Some theorize that their blood went through one of the wives of the sons of Noah. But either way they are not of us. But against us. They kill us when they can when no terrible omen happens. The bear who took care of the child / children is no giant but an angel in the form of a bear so as to not scare to death the children by their true forms etc. I study the anomalies. That is my main work. And yes God and angels and also demons are real. The earth is filled with evil spirits. I used to practice various kinds of witchcraft. I saw the spirits with my own eyes. Demons with horns and hooves and all those mythological creatures that everyone thought did not exist? Yes they do they are the spirits of the forest from all times and places! When a nephilim giant dies its spirit is cursed to live without rest unless they steal the rest from a living human body. The only way they find rest is by possession of a living person. But then that person goes without much rest! That is why so many spirits are parasitic in nature. That is WHY. Some things exist whether anyone believes they do or not. And I have seen demons. And also other spirits of light and of God. But beware all lights! Because the evil enemies can transform themselves into angels of light so do not listen to any spirit who you have not tested by the ancient method.

  8. I heard a voice in my head in 2018. His name was Kamooh, he introduced himself as an elder sasquatch. He said,
    "We need your help"
    "Sasquatch might not survive the anthropocene extinction"
    "We want you to be an ambassador and share what you know about us, with your people"
    "To be a great man you must be a good boy first"
    "Keep your thoughts oure and true"
    "Pray, meditate, eat good food, drink good water, wake up early, work your body, wash your clothes by hand"
    "Star people watch you"
    "Stay humble, calm and focused"
    "Stay kind"
    "Female sasquatch move territory, males stay in the same area"
    "We use lithography"
    "We dont eat humans"
    "We are not nephilim"
    "Patty is still alive"
    "There are about 40,000 sasquatch in north america"
    "No guns"
    "Dont burn the forest"
    "Stop smoking"
    "We love you"
    And a few other things, pretty wild i know. Good luck on your search for truth.


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