‘Big success’: Adam Creighton analyses Prime Minister’s US visit

The Australian’s Washington Correspondent Adam Creighton says Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s visit to Washington DC was a “big success” and he “couldn’t have asked for a better trip”.

The Prime Minister and his girlfriend, Jodie Haydon, were then welcomed to the White House in a lavish state ceremony on Wednesday (local time) where he and Mr Biden addressed the audience and vowed to work together in solidarity.

The Prime Minister’s last formal function was at the State Department where he was welcomed by the Vice President and Secretary of State.

“He spoke well throughout the whole trip, so I think it’s a big success for him,” Mr Creighton told Sky News host James Morrow.

“Whether that plays well domestically back home remains to be seen.”


20 thoughts on “‘Big success’: Adam Creighton analyses Prime Minister’s US visit”

  1. Rare Truth from Sky. Albanese proving what a statesman he is. On top of this Albo has spoken out on the Chinese destabilising the Pacific, before a trip to China, without offending the Xi or creating trade sanctions. All you Albo haters out there, this is what a prime minister should look like.

  2. Really success? does Australia actually believe that the US government, the Neo con, Neo Liberal Joe Biden cares about them. Wake up, you're just another base for their warmongering, their incessant wars.

  3. Finally poor old ALBO found a friend !! He had to go overseas to find someone who thought he was doing a good job !!! Unfortunately for albanese by tomorrow morning
    President Biden won't even remember his name 😂😂😂😂😂

  4. WOKE UP Rep. Conservatives right media are deadly infections Countries have and with Murdoch media right social media repeats the infection breads. Copy search headings Google image is best Polls Trump leads Polls Biden leads Why Murdoch media hates renewable energy Republican economies vs Democrat economies Israeli war crimes 50 years of Israel stealing Palestinian land Netanyahu found guilty Netanyahu murdered Israeli soldiers admit confess Conservative found guilty (just keep scrolling) Republican economies vs Democrat economies Presidential administration indictments crimes Republican DUI threatens officer Conservative resigns List of convicted Conservative pedophiles Conservative pleads guilty (keep scrolling) Conservative ordered to pay fines Conservatives tax cuts only benefits the rich Conservatives cruelty Conservative scandal Conservatives funneled Russian money Conservative admits Conservative resigns Conservative tax cuts for the rich Conservative Harper abuse of power Conservative privatisation disaster Conservative tar sands disaster Pierre Poilievre anti-vaccine Conservative anti-vaccine masks Pierre Poilievre Toronto star nails it Conservative Doug Ford investigation

  5. Pretty much – the meeting was a waste of time – just like Albatross Albo. The Democratic Party now instead of hiding Joe's crimes and disposing of the evidence – are sending it off to the Department of Justice – for a Special Prosecutor to investigate. Joe's time is up – everyone else see's it but him. The clue is how the Democrats got rid of Governor Cuomo. The same method of operation is in play. As Merrick Garland had a press conference – stating he was sending evidence sent to him by Biden staffers – off to the special prosecutor.

    Albo just wasted Australian taxpayers money – again – on sucking up to the wrong people – again. As Albo is to dumb to realise. Joe is old – and past his use by date. So for both of them – this is pretty much – pissing in each pocket – paid for by the respective Australian & U.S. taxpayer.

    More the case wasting everyone's time – pissing as much taxpayers money as they can up against the wall – before they are back on the street – as the average Joe.

    Albo is just a freeloader. And he is simply wasting Australian tax payers money – to escape reality in Australia – all of his policies are losing him voters. Something this pair have in common.


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