5D Healing to Uncover Secret Space Program PTSD w/Jodi Reynosa & Will Nutter: Merkaba Chakras #100

FYI: YOUTUBE IS CENSORING & TRYING TO DELETE THE MERKABA CHAKRAS PODCAST CHANNEL. I will not be posting any new episodes here until April, 2023 or LATER. Please watch my book interviews on other channels/podcasts & go to this link to see the evidence of what I have to deal with against YT censorship. I am trying to save my channel on YT by not using it for 6 months or more. In the meantime, enjoy all the older episodes and for new episodes, go to Rokfin.com or any of the other free speech video platforms below.


Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. Today, we speak to Mrs. Jodi Reynosa and Mr. Will Nutter aka Johan Fritz, regarding unknown PTSD trauma. They discovered a complex childhood involvement in a top secret space program involving super soldiers, aliens, Nazis, time travel, and it leads back to ancient folklores of Atlantis, Lemuria, and metaphysics. This messy psyops reached the ascended masters, higher dimensional beings, archangels, and source to send back a legion of ancient, wise souls to help clean-up this dozie.

For more information about Will and Jodi’s offerings, please visit their website: Linktr.ee/ServicesWithJAW

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PLEASE diversify where you get information by adding these free speech platforms.

There are over 70 podcast sites to listen to the audio only version. The main one is: https://anchor.fm/merkabachakras

To learn more about Von Galt’s metaphysical work: https://merkabachakras.com/

Adren*chr*me compound structure, which can be synthesized into a Rife frequency to ingest via listening to the frequency: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/5898#section=Canonical-SMILES

Buckmister Fullerene C60 structure & can be found in C60 vitamins for detox:

CNN correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta & Dr. Brigitte Boisselier discuss human cloning via CloneAid.

Author, Phillip K. Dick of “Man in the High Castle” speaks about his personal testimony of traveling via consciousness from a Nazi reality to this non-Nazi dominated reality (personal Mandela Effect):

Madame Blavatsky’s, Theosophical Society of America:

University of Georgia presents, Soldier Leaders in the Age of AI:

US Military recruiting for Space Force:

Black G** Links:
https://bit.ly/3C9Klri , https://bit.ly/3SBtwuM , https://youtu.be/_kAevCpFNW0 , https://bit.ly/3fjO7Ft , https://bit.ly/3dIxl2y , https://bit.ly/3dINSTV , https://bit.ly/3BQmtay , https://youtu.be/20xeGkqIZeE

#SecretSpaceProgram, #JohanFritz, #WillNutter, #JodiReynosa, #BlackGoo, #BlackCubeUFO, #ufo, #aliens, #multiverse, #PTSD, #supersoldier, #qhht, #reikihealingfoundation , #quantumhypnosis, #marscolonization, #nazi ,#parallelrealities, #5thdimension, #buddhism, #yeshua, #newearth, #spiritualawakening, #arturians, #reincarnation, #orioncubetechnology, #consciousness, #frequencies, #starseeds, #tulku, #realityshifts ,#timelines, #NPC, #rapture, #metaphysics, #angelhumans


18 thoughts on “5D Healing to Uncover Secret Space Program PTSD w/Jodi Reynosa & Will Nutter: Merkaba Chakras #100”

  1. You make a choice: continue living your life feeling muddled in this abyss of self-misunderstanding, or you find your identity independent of it. You draw your own box."


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