Big Debate | Was the World Cup a success? Are you excited for Super League 2023? Full 80 Ep 139

Craig, Joe and Jimmy are back with the latest Full 80.

The lads wrap up the World Cup, asking if the tournament was a success?

Also up for debate is Super League, has enough been done to generate exciting for 2023?

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13 thoughts on “Big Debate | Was the World Cup a success? Are you excited for Super League 2023? Full 80 Ep 139”

  1. I’ve been trying to ‘dilute’ the result of the final…

    Did I think the WC was a success … I loved it…

    In the mens…The impact of Samoa… the quality of Australia… Greece! Jamaica!
    I can’t have imagined when I started watching the game in 75 that I would see these nations playing the sport… never mind playing in the WC

    The womens… Brasil!!! Canada… PNG and the outstanding quality of the jillaroos.. and watching the appetite across non competing nations to go for the next WC

    Wheelchair was a revelation… brutal, skilful, controversial … captured the fan base and beyond!

    Already making plans to come across to France in 25…

  2. Hi lads, enjoying the show from Western Sydney Australia. I think SL needs to get rid of regulation. Choose the best 16 or 18 clubs and build a strong comp. Reduce the significance and money of the 2nd tier comp so the top 400 players in the country are playing in the top comp and the next best players are trying to push their way into SL. I think without regulation the talent will spread around more.

  3. Having an open salary cap will kill the sport, Clubs like mine (St.Helens) don't have the money to pay massive wages? So if they can't who can?
    My opinion is we allow more wiggle room within the cap for home grown players, I.E Jack Welsby come through the Saints academy signed for 4 yrs so his Salary does not count? Warrington signing Kassiano does?

  4. Teams in Superleague will eventually if you remove the cap gamble like Leeds United did in football and spend what they don't have ALA Bradford Bulls and go under do we want this?
    We don't have enough clubs as it is? Mighty Wigan nearly went bust before Wheelan took over through gambling on wages and transfer fee's.
    Superleague needs to change but dropping the salary cap is not the answer?
    Every Club in Superleague spend supposedly the same as Saints then why over the history of Superleague have St Helens dominated everything? Debate that instead
    9 grand final wins, 1 championship, 14 Grand Final appearances overall, 10 LLS, 8 Challenge Cups in 26 years

  5. Overall a success, but the ticket pricing were a disgrace, me and family went to 6 games and paid 3 × £50 for final tickets only to find our seats were on the back row in the upper tier of the Stretford end.

  6. Northern hemisphere has to get international games played amongst nations as a priority and take a prominent place in the calendar. England, France, Lebanon can play each other and although England are a class above would have competing games over time. Then Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Italy and Greece could compete together. Add Jamaica into that mix also. Southern Hemisphere will simply take care of themselves play each other and get stronger. Fine some games down under are needed with these northern hemisphere teams, but regular games a couple of times a year with the other northern hemisphere teams has to replace other fixtures in super league

  7. As a cas fan it worries me talking about removing the cap because there's a big chance of it leading to our demise, but for the sport it needs to happen. And a boot up Cas' arse is exactly what is needed. It's a rugby town that doesn't capitalise on the youth, it baffles me.


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