Big Base Expansions (plus some lighting) – Underground Alone

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37 thoughts on “Big Base Expansions (plus some lighting) – Underground Alone”

  1. I had an idea for a "bad" drop… A sensor-detonated 'mine'. Of course, we don't want it to always be lethal, so have it with a speaker with a countdown… "5… 4… 3… 2… 1… Buh-bye, now."

  2. Engineering challenge idea: 1) start on alien planet in small grid rover 2) crappy jetpack TM 3) large grid must be A) static grid or B) welded using small grid welder 4) to get into space you need to use small grid ship 5) in space only block that youre allowed to place & weld is merge block 6) goal is to build jumpship & get home 7) Assert Inc. need to know your location 8) maybe? youre not allowed to close your helmet

  3. The 's' in mathematics is the nominative 's', not the plural 's'. Retaining it when shortening the word is nonsensical. I know Aussies routinely commit violence against the English language, but that one is just unnecessary.

  4. Idea for a bomber drone setup- Make a drone with a "Follow player" (if hostiles are allowed to do that) with a high minimum altitude but a very low follow distance (leading it to position high above you), plus a beam-like sensor facing down that will drop bombs when it detects the player. Low tilt/roll settings would make it more accurate, but higher settings would add some randomness to it 'lobbing' bombs

  5. I found the only significant change that a daily needs-type mod adds is making planetary starts feel mandatory; which spoiled what I'm typically in Space Engineers to do. It didn't force me to make any real change to what I was building, so long as I built whatever was needed to create food and water and spent the hours of grind time gathering organic material and ice. With planetary starts, it was 1-2 different blocks added to the home base, and otherwise literally the same rover/miner support I use without the mod. With space starts, I died of starvation/thirst a lot due to lack of access to organic matter.
    When I compared the play experience to using other mods, like MES-based mods, it made the game less of a space-based engineering game for me.

  6. I've been playing Icarus, any advice on taming the dang Terranus? Or just keeping them away from my little house so they stop getting mad at me. Always ready for more Space Engineers content though.

  7. Daily Needs is one of my favourite mods. It adds a bit of depth and pseudorealism without being burdensome. It could be tweaked a bit, sure, but it is definitely on my must-have mod list.

  8. Since you have clean-up disabled, you could build mining outposts that do not have a power source.

    Then build a rover, possibly with a trailer, if size demands it so you have decent cargo and a bunch of batteries or engines. It'll need to have enough output to feed the drill rig, powering large grid drills, rotors, pistons etc, with a small grid power source, and keeping enough power for a return trip might be a design challenge.

    Leave the infrastructure there, unpowered until you come by with the power/cargo rover connect, now the grid has power, and continues drilling operations.

    If things get spicy, detach and run. The grid loses its power source and is no longer a target.

  9. Splitsie: "I don't need extra hydrogen bottles when filling one up is instant"

    I wonder if later on Splitsie will realise the error is his ways when he runs out of jetpack fuel and his base hydro engines have chewed through all the base hydrogen. Having an extra bottle or two of hydrogen spare is a life saver in an emergency situation.

  10. i am 45 minutes into the video and i think that if you plan to make the cave your base, you should go deeper digging a hole and going down several meters, and place all the facilities you currently have deeper underground then make the cave a buffer point filled with turrets. my suggestion is to dig a hole in the middle and add drills similar to what you had on rvs at war to dig a nice round area. i'll go a step further and say make one basement for vehicles and a second even deeper for health station, cryostasis, cargo containers etc with the hole from top to bottom to help out for quickly flying anywhere

  11. As far as how to tell new players how bad lighting is, you could tell them that the survival kit is irreplaceable early on in a play through. If you have lightning enabled, then lightning can (and has for me) strike your survival kit. This will end that play through (or as I call it, perma-stone age).

  12. I have seen that in some servers the voxels restore themselves during play. it makes it where you had to actually build in the tunnels to keep them. That could work well for you in this case with the enormous amount of holes the rocket ships will make.

  13. You could add in a mobile base. A large ship that randomly roams around over you. the mobile base has a chance of spawning a base or a few ships. the range for the roam should be large enough to allow you to go out for a short while but never enough for you to do everything you want to do.

  14. @Splitsie, you should use the actual scaffolding blocks for any exterior scaffolding. It has accurate collision, meaning it will be less likely to be shot by bullets.

    And, when you add the bomber you talked about, you should also add a sound-block decoy that drops to the ground, and sounds like bombs hitting.

  15. Imagine a twitch mod that actually spawns a raider drop pod whenever somebody raids the channel, with bots that are named based on the people who joined through the raid, and a leader bot with the name of the streamer who raided.

  16. One possible idea to give you a slightly faster turnaround time while cleaning up after a raid would be to place a medium cargo container on either side of each entrance to the cavern. One container would normally be empty, and it'd be a place to quick drop all the loot you scavenged. The second (potentially could be a small container) would have whatever supplies you need for a mid-firefight refill. Perhaps a full H2 tank and a handful of rounds of ammo for your weapon of choice.

  17. you should add a grind pit hooked up to the base then you just make a strong flyer / hauler and just fly out grab the crates and just fly it back inside to the grind pit that would be good way to clear up the stuff and feed the base as well

  18. 56:00 as one of the people commenting on you using small grid vs large grid it's less what your using them against and:

    A) More the type of small grid your using. A small grid corvette with a bunch of autocannon and assault cannon turrets, (With some fixed railguns for poking things if need be), would be so much more effective.

    B) You keep running into things that after a few minutes you decide you can't fight and need to avoid/run away from. Continuing to use your current fighter designs is really limiting what you can fight.

    C) I'm actually more mad at the Dorotron at this point, as you noted a few episodes of AA ago the little Nemo was arguably almost as effective. It's just too small for it's own good and has so many design compromises to get that small size it cripples it's own offensive and defensive capabilities.

  19. First rule about "the correct way of learning" is "one that works" 🙂 and meeting the student on their terms is extra important for those with difficulties of some kind but so much more rewarding once they do succeed. Sure there are recommended ways that works for most but especially students with "letter diagnoses" often need completely different approaches to either find the interest or even understand the references, especially in mathematics.


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