Back with another dose of economic reality…Moody’s downgrades U.S. banking sector as more banks are destined to fail.
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#finance #economics #investing
Thank you for being a part of my channel. I am an ‘small-fry’ investor that also works in the finance industry. I also am a news-hound and love keeping updated on the latest economic, financial, and business news. Economic ‘boom and bust’ cycles are very fascinating to me so and I have had some very good luck in the stock market, precious metals and investing in real estate, therefore, I have decided to share my research, knowledge, news digging, and analysis with the world via this channel.

This channel contains news and analysis that often includes ‘one mans opinion’. The information conveyed should never be taken as investment advice. Everyone should do their own due diligence and research before making investment and money decisions.



  1. POP Secret, bank Run already Happened. Hope they plug the hole. I thought Monday would have been Introduction Of the FED. C.B.D.C., DAM get her done
    , already, forward and Onward already.

  2. Some bottom feeders have paid for a silver link on this channel, THEN he mentions silver as the answer to all our problems. BUT…ya gotta trust him BECAUSE, he's JJ!

  3. That's a great point, this could be a confidence trick. Once the real crisis starts, probably soon, people will remember this example and stay calm. Atl least for a while.
    Don't forget this 'run' was started by CIA asset Peter Thiel.

  4. Here is how it works.

    Whatever THEY say, or the EXPERT says, or the GOVERNMENT says…..THE REALITY IS THE OPPOSITE.
    Whatever THEY say, or the EXPERT says, or the GOVERNMENT says tell you to do, DO THE OPPOSITE. That's the effective plan.
    Whichever direction THEY say, or the EXPERT says, or the GOVERNMENT says, GO IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION.

  5. A bailout means money has to be created in order to pay for and to rescue something. The most simple definition I can think of. This money has to be created and will cause more national debt and helps create more inflation.

  6. That 25 Billion allocated for SVB is a drop in the bucket. It's going to disappear like a pig in a school of hungry piranha! What's Biden going to do next.

  7. Money is debt, so they can print as much as they like. Therefore, all bank accounts are safe, because the Federal government can borrow unlimited amounts of money from the Federal Reserve. If money was gold then this would not be possible. In 1971, gold was decoupled from money, so from that point in history no one lost money from a failed bank. Back in 1988, we had the savings and loans scandal, and banks failed as a result. My father got all of his money back when the small bank he banked with failed. He got all his money back in 2 years. Today, people would get their money back faster, because everything is computerized.

  8. Haven’t bought gold because it’s too expensive. I’ve been silver stacking for two years now through APMEX through my Walmart APP. I now order 5 silver grounds a month with free shipping and little by little it does grow over the years. Keep stacking silver, cash, food, water, meds, ammunition, communications, batteries and baby utter things you use for your family. Keep your Oreos secret from friends and family too.

  9. This controversy about whether or not there is a bailout reminds me of whether or not we are in a re session. Just change the rules on the fly. This is a bailout, I herd it described as a new form of quantified easing.

  10. I expect more banks to fail. The big banks will get bigger.

    I was a customer of Washington Mutual, before it was taken over by JP Morgan Chase, which is the biggest US bank now. I haven't had too many problems with Chase. I do expect Chase to be one of the survivors.


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