Chandrashekhar Horse

Introducing Chandrashekar Koteshwar ( @cskoteshwar ), a #sculptor and #museologist from Koteshwara, Karnataka, India. His work delves into museum practices, exploring themes like #restoration and #conservation while critically yet masterfully examining museology and art history itself.

#mildsteel, with its low carbon content, offers a versatile canvas for artists, prized for its malleability, strength, and affordability. From sculptures to architectural elements, its unique properties enable captivating works.

#cement, a core element of concrete, provides artists with a flexible medium, valued for its plasticity, durability, and ability to bond with diverse materials. Sculptures and architectural features benefit from its adaptability and lasting quality.

#terracotta, crafted from clay and natural additives, boasts strength and reduced shrinkage during firing. Artists manipulate its texture and consistency to achieve desired effects, whether smooth for intricate details or rough for added character.

Title: Concealed
Medium: Mild Steel | Cement | Terracota
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The Ritz-Carlton, Pune
Curated by Vaibhav Raj Shah


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