Bethel and Bill Johnson’s Bridge to the New Age and Spiritual Fakery.

I have been wanting to make this video for quite a while. It’s based on the teaching in the book The Physics of Heaven, which is very much a “Bethel book”. It is sold in their bookstore, it’s endorsed by their leaders, it’s written by people from Bethel, including their two lead pastors, Bill Johnson and Beni Johnson. The book is a very open appeal to Christians to embrace New Age beliefs and practices. I truly wish I was exaggerating.

In today’s video I’m going to share quotes from the book to demonstrate the problems with it’s teachings and show it’s dangers. I’ll address the way they misuse Scripture to support these teachings. I’ll also be sharing content from a physicist who has weighed in to demonstrate how fake the “science” of the book is. Finally, I’ll share some shocking details about the deceptions in the book related to the supposed credentials of the “quantum physicist” who they lean on as an expert. Spoiler, he’s not.

Bethel Church in Redding California has presented itself to the worldwide body of Christ as a guide for deeper and more miraculous spiritual experiences. Since they have such a wide impact and reach and their teachings on these issues are, I am sad to say, not only reckless but dangerous and unbiblical, I feel this video is worth making.

A physicist reviews the wacky science claims in The Physics of Heaven. Special thanks to Dr. Martin Krause for providing this analysis for free.

Do you want my notes from today’s video? Here they are, with all book references.

My video showing that James Goll (used a a source in the book) pretended to prophesy while just reporting commonly held political speculation.

My original video on Bill Johnson and Bethel Church’s theology and practice. I would be harsher today though I will leave this video up because I believe it has a good analysis of problems.


41 thoughts on “Bethel and Bill Johnson’s Bridge to the New Age and Spiritual Fakery.”

  1. “This is what the Lord of armies says: “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who are prophesying to you. They are leading you into futility; They tell a vision of their own imagination, Not from the mouth of the Lord.”
    ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭23‬:‭16‬ ‭NASB2020‬‬

  2. If this stuff scares you, you might want to take another look at the revivalists of old that you probably hold in uigh esteem. These are not new beliefs and they were around before the New Age. Many of the mighty revivalists that were powerful instruments of the Lord believed in these kinds of things. But you can still choose to live in fear if you'd like.

  3. Evangelist Mario Murillo recently said the church is vulnerable to deception because they have lost the fire wall of a firm foundation on God's Word. Studying and knowing God's Word is our protection from error. Study to show yourself approved unto God. 2 Tim. 2:5🙏✝️

  4. You insert meanings and words into what the book says that aren't there. You are implying their intention and meaning. Just like you are claiming they are doing with the Bible. You are extrapolating things that are not there. You are also claiming that they do things that they flat out don't do. Maybe do more research into what they do instead of going off false stories that (people that hated them) told years ago and have been proven false. I went there for 4 years. You are claiming things that are flat out false. Maybe you should stop spreading lies about people that truly love and seal Jesus above all else (including signs and miracles). Maybe you should talk to people that actually are there instead of talking to people that hate them and want to paint them in a bad light. They never encourage you to violate your conscience and they never tell you that you have to believe it. If you don't feel good about it, move on. It's that simple.

  5. The scripture in Jeremiah 15 was one of two scriptures that God spoke to me when he called me to preach the gospel. He said that if I seperate the precious from the worthless, that he would use me to be his spokesman. It was speaking of purifying myself from false doctrine: including the word of faith movement, and purifying my life of sexual impurity,. pride, and other sin that would hinder my walk with him and usefulness to him. It makes me angry that this is being used wrongly. This is such deception. I feel the fear of God for those who follow this movement. I had hoped that the Bethel movement would not get off this far. I must now counsel all those who are involved in BEthel in any way to come out and be separate from this false doctrine. God's word is sufficient; Jesus is sufficient.

  6. Wow 🥺 What's next? Communion wafers laced with LSD? That was the shortcut used in the 60's. Any true Born Again believing Christian would have left Bethal years ago. Heretical teaching has only one tregectory and that's straight to hell.

  7. Using Counterfeit to prove the real is completely absurd. Some of that book is beyond crazy, I really do not understand how you CAN call yourself, in CHRIST(while believing the book). I was IN a church that had people from bethel come in and it literally split the church because of that craziness. I can say, IT NEVER LEADS TO CHRIST, it leads to BETTER SELF in disguise as its GOD FOR YOU.

  8. Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to deep dive into this. We had to leave a church (in Australia) where the incoming pastor had taken his wife and young family to Bethel Redding for a year to “train” and was basically doing guided meditation during a sermon😭

  9. Do you think you’ll ever look into organizations like “Answers In Genesis” and the Abeka curriculums? I hear many parents bemoaning secular schools but don’t hear much talk about how many leave orthodox Christianity because of the weird unbiblical things they’ve been taught from these big organizations. (I was homeschooled one year through Abeka and left that thinking America was God’s nation, Natives deserved to be pillaged, and secular science is demonic.)

  10. Unfortunately, this generation is enamored of occultic and delusional things. I read an article recently claiming that some profs in journalism are now teaching that objectivism is something to avoid. Somehow this brought that article to my mind.

  11. "We shouldn't be afraid to examine the counters because God's power to keep us is mightier than the devil's power to steal us away."

    Why does that remind me of "you shall not surely die"

  12. Pastor Mike I can only imagine the flack ( sp) u get exposing. I have never seen so much error as today. E,.g. Healing in the atonement or not, Blab it n grab it and on and on. We r really in the days of Martin Luther only this time it’s not just Rome , it’s in the body well maybe. Keep up the sound doctrine. God bless, Jack

  13. The LORD never fails to amaze me!! in 2018 The Holy Spirit warn me to beware of BJ as his teachings were heavily endorsed by the leaders of a congregation I was attending…I had no idea who he was at the time but I was clearly warned by The Spirit NOT to listen to anything influenced by Bethel teachings …The LORD even led me to Acts chapter 8 and highlighted Simon the Sorcerer to me…needless to say I left the congregation and I was accused of bringing division because I shared my concerns with others…All the time ABBA was definitely protecting me and using me to warn others …I keep that congregation in prayers and hope eyes and ears are opened to TRUTH…GOD IS SO GOOD AND MERCIFUL!!

  14. Hey Mike! Really enjoy watching your videos! Something I wanted to bring up though that's totally off topic. I noticed that your camera goes in and out of focus a lot in some of your videos. Does your camera have an option to set the focus manually, instead of the auto-focus setting? You may know more about cameras than I do, so look over me if I'm wrong, but I know that when I have used my DSLR in the past to shoot some videos, manual focus has sometimes been the better option(along with adjusting the aperture). Anyways, thanks for all you do!

  15. I just learned that Bill's wife passed away from cancer. This is sad for him and the family, but I always wonder what people like him are thinking when they are not able to experience the healings in their own lives. Thank you Mike for speaking TRUTH from the Word of God about the numerous errors in their teachings. I do pray that folks taken in by this heresy and false doctrine come to know how far off base they are.

  16. I'm only 31 minutes into this but I'm completely shocked. This "let's examine the new age to extract the truths" is the exact kind of attitude I used to have. My husband kept telling me I shouldnt have been listening to the stuff I was, but I thought I was strong enough not to be deceived. I ended up denouncing my faith and fully joining new age beliefs. It was by the grace of God that I was delivered through hearing someone's testimony online. I actually felt the "vails" get torn off my eyes. I suddenly saw that everything I had been doing to believed was all from demonic doctrine and deception. I immediately stopped all new age practices and have never looked back. I'm so thankful the Lord delivered me. I now see all the scriptures that warns us from doing such things. This is absolutely crazy to me bc my church just had bill Johnston as a guest speaker and all my friends love him and his books.

  17. Thank you for making this video, Mike. Bethel had ya huge influence on many churches around the valley here in Boise, Idaho. The church goers have no idea what they are doing because they don't read their Bibles. Thank you and God bless you and your work!

  18. "The Journey begins" … with transparent humility through the transformation of the soul – our minds. Yes but – True change – taking on the very mind of the Christ – authentically understanding the very heart and nature of Elohim and our true King Jesus comes Only through the door of sorrows & the crucible of suffering. It is this that brings us to our knees. Upon the edge of a knife we walk, "Worthy/Unworthy" as we learn the art and essential need of daily repentance; the utter unveiling of our true nature before the throne of God where His weight can easily crush us.
    At the birth of the First Century Church, individual leaders such as Titus & Timothy were chosen for meeting only one criteria; their willingness to die for the Kingdom Cause or the Cause of Christ. After Paul profoundly reprimands the new Church of Corinth for creating divisions, he then systematically & emphatically discusses the need to suffer for the Christ and what suffering yields. It is the darkness that causes the light of God to rise in men in the darkest hour. It is the purging of our souls refined and purified that causes true "revival". It is birthed on our knees. The light of men will indeed rise however according to the oracles speaking the words of Elohim in concert, it will be w/in the darkest of hours and only a handful of men & women prior to Christ's victorious return.

    I understand the reality of suffering to some degree as I am dying from a rare illness. My autonomic nervous system is shutting down. It's not pretty and I suffer unimaginably at times. Yet despite it all – because of it all – I surrender every moment to Elohim reverently, thankfully and rejoice in what His son our true King accomplished at Calvary. Calvary is just the beginning. God's work is not yet complete. I live for that day; for the "last day" (of mankind's failed attempt at governing itself outside of God's good common sense laws), and the first day of dawn. My only desire is to see Christ Return and restore this broken lil' blue spinning orb we call home back to it's original purpose; back to Eden as promised. This is my only hope and it is a good one.
    May the Living God of Eternity wrap you & your loved ones in a veil of protection. May He give you strength and wisdom for each new day.
    Stay Safe. Stay Free.
    ꧁•♥ Believe♥•🕊꧂

  19. Thank you! I have a friend who was influenced by the occult, came out and dove right into Bethel's New Age teachings. She views any criticism of Bethel teaching as criticism of the Holy Spirit, unbelief, fear, jealousy or a lack of spiritual maturity. I am praying for her.

  20. Mike, It's certainly good news that you revisited the Bethel/Bill Johnson topic cuz from your 1st attempt, I didn't get the hotness from you that was needed in addressing it at all. Couldn't even bear to continue watching after giving it some warm-up time! Information on thenew age proclivities of that man & his church had been around a long while now, hence why the other video was very hard to endure. I'm surprised you just became aware of these things!
    Anyways, here you are, firm, assertive & quite on form! 👏 May GOD, through Christ Jesus, continue to strengthen & embolden you in His spirit!

    As for that book; Its abominable contents is an assail on the intelligence & sensibilities of every true christian! So many ^You gotta be kidding me!^ moments therein, that it's infuruating yet heartbreaking. Bethel is the church of the New Age fit for the New World Order, all in Jesus' name!
    For every true Christ-seeking believer wound up by the deception weaved so seductively in this satanic ministry, the Word of the Lord says:

    " … Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, And touch not the unclean thing; And I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, And ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty."

  21. It’s strange but Long before you said Isreal Keyes. I thought after you said how he left before she saw him & how he hog tied & tortured him. I thought for sure it was Keyes. Then the pic at the ATM I was as sure as I could be. I would bet everything that Al was murdered by Keyes.

  22. When Jesus sent out the seventy he told them to heal the sick and say the Kingdom Of God has come near you.
    Imagine that!
    While the law was yet to be fulfilled people could still be healed by the Holy Spirit.
    How many people get healed by super spiritual whackjobs prophesying to each other?
    If you're a Christian you should be healing people and preaching the gospel to save the souls of healed bodies. Crazy but much appreciated!
    A sick person made well? That's a true believer!
    Jesus healed people so that they would believe before they could be saved.

  23. I once had an image in my mind’s eye of Jesus making his home in my heart-moving furniture around until it was just so and then taking a seat. It was a very comforting thing to see, but not something I cooked up. I understood it as a metaphor. I had probably been reading Ephesians 3:17 at the time. It was a while ago, so I would be presumptuous to categorically say that was it, but it is likely because I remember sitting on my couch and I had my Bible on my lap. I looked up the phrase just now to make sure of the verse in case I was just pulling things from my imagination.


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