Best ways to LEVEL Hideout skills – Escape from Tarkov – Hideout Skill Guide

The fastest way to level up hideout skills to craft. Crafting and Hideout Management are some of the most powerful skills currently in the game. They not only increase bonuses from your hideout, but they are the only skills that directly corelate to more profit from your raids and hideout.

I go through the Workbench, Lavatory, Nutrition Unit, Med Station, and Intel Center in the Hideout and explain what you should craft to maximize the amount of skill points you can receive in the shortest amount of time. I also discuss how the Generator, Water Collector, Booze Generator, and Air Filtering Unit level up these skills.

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0:00 – Skills intro
1:34 – Crafting skill intro
5:22 – Power leveling crafting skill
7:44 – Hideout Management intro
9:24 – Hideout Management leveling

#Airwingmarine #EscapeFromTarkov #THETarkovEconomist

Edited by Church 1×1


Streambeats by Harris Heller

Music in order of appearance
Everyday Hero –
Galaxy –
Path less traveled –
Miami man –

AWM Playlist:


27 thoughts on “Best ways to LEVEL Hideout skills – Escape from Tarkov – Hideout Skill Guide”

  1. For the workbench i alternate between green gunpowder and 2 red gunpowder, then before I log off I craft ammo, pretty good balance that works for me plus it’s profitable

  2. Great video marine! Worth noting that I’m currently going hard in the hideout to level my flea market rep. I’m only doing the crafts that sell for the most amount. Green Battery’s, scav junk box, Hot rods, Dfib.

    Able to sell multiple millions worth of items on the flea every day. 3rd slot will be here very quickly

  3. Great video marine! Worth noting that I’m currently going hard in the hideout to level my flea market rep. I’m only doing the crafts that sell for the most amount. Green Battery’s, scav junk box, Hot rods, Dfib.

    Able to sell multiple millions worth of items on the flea every day. 3rd slot will be here very quickly

  4. Great video marine! Worth noting that I’m currently going hard in the hideout to level my flea market rep. I’m only doing the crafts that sell for the most amount. Green Battery’s, scav junk box, Hot rods, Dfib.

    Able to sell multiple millions worth of items on the flea every day. 3rd slot will be here very quickly

  5. This patch hideout leveling its super slow , im grinding all crafts almost non stop when im playing and always long craft when sleeping from the first days of wipe, and im level 24/25 .
    Mb its slow or mb its bugged idk didnt check it.

  6. This shit takes so much time there is no point, unless your lost in irl and you can waste your life clicking shit in hideout all day everyday. Maybe if theres is never wipe it could be considered.

  7. Wait….

    Did you mean to say scav case with storing sugar?? 0v0

    I've been clogging my coolers with my hoarded sugar using it as a source of food getting it to 1/70, if I can put it in a scav case then it will justify my urge to buy a 5th scav case.

  8. I did the hot rod craft last wipe and then farmed as a scav on interchange for the remaining items for the cooler barter and just sold that back to traders, farming reserve in thr cages below also helps reduce the price for some items as well , not very quick but it did work. Not sure if it is still worth it now.

  9. Yo, I've been wondering for some time this wipe, any idea why nowadays the price of the Broken GPhone X
    is so high? I remember previous wipes and it was just like 20k roubles, now its close to 100k. Have they nuked the spawns or something?

  10. Seems like it’s taking so long for me to up but maybe it’s going normal I’m not sure. Besides strength this is what I’m trying to level up the most.

    I wish they would fix solar already.

  11. Just finished solar power myself today and tested this. I can confirm after the upgrade I logged off I spent 167 minutes offline and my fuel timer decreased by 332 minutes. 199% more than expected. So If I was supposed to get 50% more fuel, that's actually break even it seems. In other words not burning faster, just simply not applying the bonus to fuel consumption rate despite the timer tooltip stating an increase. I feel better about going ahead and completing it – at least I'm not worse off and started Bitcoin 3.


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