Babylon 5 For the First Time | The Paragon of Animals – Episode 05×03

Two veteran Star Trek podcasters watch Babylon 5 for the first time. Brent Allen and Jeff Akin search for Star Trek like messages in this series, deciding if they should have watched it sooner.

The Drazi are playing dirty! How will the Interstellar Alliance get passed this? Jeff and Brent debate who truly is the paragon of animals.

This show is produced in association with the Akin Collective, Mulberry Entertainment, and Framed Games. Find out how you can support the show and get great bonus content like access to notes, a Discord server, unedited reaction videos, and more:

Executive Producers:
Fabio Kasecker
Ian Maurer
James Okeefe
Jeffrey Hayes
Magnus Hedqvist
Martin Svendsen
Mattie Garcia
Mr Krosis
Neil Moore
Peter Schuller
Rob Bent
Ron H
Samantha Pearce
Starfury 5470
John Detweiler
Thomas Monk
Todd “Canuck” Schmuck

David Blau
Guy Kovel
John Koniges

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20 thoughts on “Babylon 5 For the First Time | The Paragon of Animals – Episode 05×03”

  1. Good news, gents. You know how for 4 seasons everybody jumped on you for not liking this or that? That's over. Absolutely no one will give you grief for hating on Byron. Even his perfect hair is annoying af.

    Also, Brent, you were closer than you thought with "a cabinet meeting." Wrong musical. It's 1776. The Drazi leading a mass walk out over the DOP is very much South Carolina leading a walk out over the slavery paragraph in the Declaration of Independence.

  2. You know it's a cult when someone shows up to offer some of them jobs and ONE PERSON decides for ALL of them whether they can accept or not. I'd have loved for Garibaldi's reply to have been, "Why don't you let THEM decide for themselves? Are you starting your own little PsyCorps here?"

  3. By saying "Patriarchy" Jeff shows that he is a leftwinger. He might live in patriarchal society. I don't. If anything we live in a Matriarchal society being turned in to genderless J'nail.
    The team "Patriarchy" is a left wing would view and statements like "we live in a patriarchal society" brings in American politics and on top of that Left wing politics.

    As a Swede, that's not why i'm here. I live in a far left country that has been ruled by socialist's for almost 100 years and having lived in Europe and seen what the far left did here in Europe with DDR, east block,, the Baltic states, warzaw pact, i don't need more left wing politics in a podcast about Babylon 5, a show made by a guy which parents fleed the Russian socialist revolution 1916.

    I'm being turned off by this. I came here to listen to a podcast about B5 and to escape the real world for a hour or so, only to be pulled back out by far left wing politics. Congrats. About to unsub.

  4. I don't really get why telepaths getting compensated for their skills is a bad thing…

    We employee and pay pilots for skills they learn, and their natural aptitudes. We employ dancers and actors, that are specifically talented in their areas. Everyone that is employed for their learned, or natural, skills can be looked at as 'prostituting themselves out' if you look at it under the same lens.

    If a telepath's natural skill is to read minds, and you are paying them to do that, I don't see this as any different that any other person who is compensated for their talent.

  5. Ah, Jeff! Cult … Yes, Byron looks like a cult leader, and JMS has something against cults.

    Oh, I love the Declaration of Principles, but Jeff, it's not 4 times "We are One", it's actually 6 times. I have a copy of the Declaration on my wall.

    Be seeing you!

  6. The slow build-up has always been a JMS/B5 thing. Some people like it because it builds up to the bigger moments, allowing you to get emotionally invested. Some people don't because of the time spent establishing character/story moments.

    I suppose it depends on the payoff.

  7. Guys, as a woman in her late 50s, who did not get diagnosed with ADHD until her mid-40s, just in time to start that lovely perimenopause stage of life – THANK YOU! Hearing you two, who are people I look forward to watching discuss my favorite show every week, acknowledge and affirm the difficulties I have gone through my whole life, was fantastic. I had to stop the video and just sit and cry happy tears for a few minutes. YOU ARE THE BEST!

  8. Hey Jeff,
    do men NOT have to "turn off their urges" and CONTROL THEIR OWN BEHAVIOUR? STOP WHITE KNIGHTING … for women … who are given FAR MORE FREE REIGN than men. Just look up the comparable sentences for the same crime … look up who is listened to by society … look up who is allowed to MAKE FALSE ACCUSATIONS TO RUIN MEN … look up who can get a hashtag "k–i–l–l–allmen" and get applauded for it. Really bad takes again … from the american christian faction.

  9. Did anyone else spot this detail onscreen? When Sheridan is reading the principles aloud and G'Kar takes over with the voiceover, we're shown scenes from around B5. In one of them, Dr. Franklin has a computer screen with a draft message to someone's parents (presumably the ranger's) to share the news of his death. And I'm pretty sure I saw that the window he had open was called "Spell Check Online". Talk about a vision for the future!!

  10. I will admit that this one is a bit slow. But there's a couple important pieces of set-up for what happens during this season. You might find Byron complicated at times, but confounding at times as well. I do like the throwaway line Lyta tosses out about Bester going into the minds of too many dying people. It doesn't justify his bad behavior, but it hints at his occasional cruel behavior.

    Speaking of Lyta, I suspect everyone on the station is a little nervous around her because they suspect the same thing Bester does: the Vorlons modified her. What those on the station are concerned about is that she hasn't told them anything about that. Unfortunately, I don't think JMS had the ability to make that explicit racing through season 4 which would have helped in this season.

    Intriguing point about "We are One." The prophecy is still that the One for now is Sinclair (Valen), Delenn, and Sheridan. Now recall that Zathras said that Sheridan is "the One Who Will Be," who is both the end of the story and the start of the next story. That was hinted at in the last segment of "Deconstruction of Falling Stars." I'm curious to see how you will view that notion at the end of the series.


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