Avatar : Lies of Humanity

Directed by James Camera.

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50 thoughts on “Avatar : Lies of Humanity”

  1. That's the problem with this game, even if it's in a cool avatar setting…. It's still a Ubisoft game therefore it will have a shit story, weak gameplay and despite ok-ish graphics is not worth playing.

  2. Avatar is the most mishandled misfire of a franchise I've ever seen. Hit big with the first movie, then just let it slip the cultural consciousness for too long. People don't remember, but for a short while there it was trending like Star Wars, with people putting on blue makeup and even a phone filter app that gave you that look… then it just dwindled off 'cause there was nothing coming from the franchise for years, and pop culture just moved on… The second movie could've brought it back, if it wasn't so boring and lazy.


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