Australian Defence Force ‘incredibly bad’ at recruitment: Greg Sheridan

The Australian’s Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan says the government’s policy allowing international soldiers to join the ADF is a “good initiative”.

The federal government is changing the rules to allow international soldiers to join the Australian Defence Force.

“Why not get them all tomorrow – we desperately need soldiers,” Mr Sheridan said.

“The underlying truth here is that defence has been incredibly bad at recruiting people to the Australia Defence Force.”


21 thoughts on “Australian Defence Force ‘incredibly bad’ at recruitment: Greg Sheridan”

  1. Maybe if young Australians felt like they could even buy a house and survive on defence wages, and having something worth fighting for, they would have enough soldiers?

  2. Our country got Invaded threw the government.and everyone knows this why havent the AFP or the ARMY taken the trators and corupt out. The army had been taken over and payed for to… and we all see this and don't won't to be apart of the problem.

  3. Britain's talking about national service, now all of a sudden this seems to be circulating all over the media and radio in Oz, It's all I've been hearing all this week…..We all know what this is leading up to.

  4. Recruitment hasn't changed. Nobody wants to fight for a country that's trying to replace us with foreigners. What's the point? You fight wars to avoid losing your national sovereignty. If the government is doing that on purpose, and you join them, you're actively participating in your own destruction.

  5. Why serve? I throw my life into a hail of gunfire for what? being homless if i get back? If i have a marriage which is unlikely ill be divorced at far higher rates? All for the great peice of half that of a primary school teacher? Yeah nah thanks ive got better ideas. Maybe pollies and this muppet being interviewed need to realise that for young people the future is serfdom and noone is going to serve for that. Not to mention during a total war such as that of a world war professional solders are a premium. Citizen armies are the norm and for citizen armies to work it means citizenship needs to matter. Citizenship shouldnt be treated like the whore of the world to be taken advantage of by thied parties and our enemy.

  6. The reason why young people are resisting wanting to join the ADF is because of the previous and Present Governments installation of Woke and DEI policies not forgetting the Government's continuous hubris Alphabet Cult Narrative , Red Meat Eating Folk's Don't want a Bar of this Detritus

  7. After seeing how REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, BAD MY SON was treated in the ADF After serving in Iraq I will NEVER and FOREVER tell every one to NEVER join the ADF!!! the political CRAP these corrupt so called generals and politicians spew…to fill there own pockets, when they retire as multi millionaires on tax payers money IS SO DISGUSTING AND DEMONIAC😡😡😡

  8. Switzerland has a home militia . Every male 20 or older has to serve.
    Issued with a rifle & ammunition Training requied yearly.
    Dont want to serve. ?You need to forfeit 3% of your yearly income
    Australia could have 3.2 million serving😊.

  9. We dont need to have young men come back in body bags .what Australia needs right now is technology been built here in Australia we also need to cool the jets on jumping in to anymore wars with anyone .lets focus on Hypersonic missiles that can target ships and planes from well over the Horizon as well as drones that can increase our surveillance capabilities . The most important thing we need to focus on are jobs for Australians in manufacturing farming defence fisheries and continue to export food to Asia building closer tyres and friendlier relationships let's not get bogged down in the politics of international BS

  10. Campbell wasted a tremendous amount of young Australians time going through their You Sessions (especially males during his quota B.S) The weight list was another problem, people waiting for almost a year to get to a recruit course, many of them found other employment because they never checked up on them. You bet there was a recruiting problem, that and the constant media showing nothing but negative, how the government (and Campbell again) went after the ADF. The Australian government has no clue on how to maintain or improve the Defence Portfolio period. This whole idea of international soldiers is just like the government ripping apart Australian business, just get something (or someone) from overseas rather than having any trust in its own people.


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