AUG 14 : Positive Developments in Urozhaine: Liberation and Russian Retreat

Positive updates have been received from Urozhaine and confirmed by the Deep State Map resource. The village has been liberated by a successful guest operation, leading to the retreat of Russian forces. The timeline of events over the past four days shows a significant shift in the situation. The Ukrainian Army made impressive advancements by breaking through the Russian defense concentrated in the northern part of Urijina. Four attacks were launched, resulting in success with the support of skilled artillery operators and JDAM bombs. Russian forces suffered severe losses and some troops attempted to retreat from Urozhaine on foot, facing heavy casualties due to underestimating Ukrainian fire concentration.
Russia assembled a convoy of around 30 soldiers which was targeted by Ukrainian artillery, resulting in significant losses. This highlights the Russian command’s lack of concern for soldier safety and their chaotic retreat strategy. The Ukrainian strategy, in contrast, was efficient, quickly recapturing lost positions and showcasing tactical prowess. Russia’s failure to retreat effectively led to the loss of territory and a substantial part of their military presence in Urijina, impacting overall morale.
The Ukrainian forces halted a Russian assault and launched a successful counterattack, illustrating their strategic agility. The city of Bahamut, captured by Ukraine, presents a challenge for Russian forces due to effective artillery and aerial bombardment limiting their movements. Lessons from Urozhaine emphasize the importance of artillery support in successful liberation.


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