Atomic Heart Looks INCREDIBLE!


Atomic Heart takes place in the Soviet Union in an alternate history of 1955, you are Major Nechaev aka P3, a secret agent for the head scientist of facility 3286 that is rapidly falling apart after a failed science experiment.
Braving the depths of blood soaked laboratories, epic soviet monuments, battling all sorts of robots, zombies and whatever else has come from the mad science of Facility 3826.

Atomic Heart releases February 21, 2023 on all platforms, yes even your grandmas toaster oven. So check it out on your store of choice!

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25 thoughts on “Atomic Heart Looks INCREDIBLE!”

  1. I really love the Fallout, Metro and Bioshock vibes that this game has, and I've been waiting for this since seeing the trailer in 2017 (if I remember from one of Mathchief's videos, also same year Ready Or Not had a trailer), looks like now is finally the time
    Quite a surprise to see you cover other games 😀


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