High-speed train narrowly misses pedestrian crossing tracks after ignoring warnings

Network Rail have released footage of the moment a pedestrian narrowly missed being hit by a high-speed train on the West Coast main line.

In the terrifying video, a man can be seen crossing the tracks as an Avanti service from London to Glasgow speeds past, missing him by a few feet.

The near miss happened at a footpath level crossing near Runcorn, Cheshire, where trains can reach speeds of 125mph.

According to Network Rail, the entrance to the footpath crossing displays a red warning light when it is unsafe to cross, which the man ignored.

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14 thoughts on “High-speed train narrowly misses pedestrian crossing tracks after ignoring warnings”

  1. Read my warning to save life. Assumption uni installed voice recorder, stole, and uploaded on social media for years for fun. Violation of privacy led to many times deadly incidents.

  2. I can't imagine the shock the engineer had to see someone come that close to being hit. I hope they didn't have a heart attack. That was cutting it way too close for comfort. It wasn't safe. What if he had tripped and fallen? He would never have been able to get out of the way. It's not worth the risk.

  3. What an idiot!
    Unfortunately this can and does happen in the U.S. as well. Virtual Railfans has many videos on their railroad youtube channel of peds and vehicles trying to beat the train. Even animals like white-tailed deer, but they tend to sneak across in the early hours of the day where there's less train traffic

  4. I go trainspotting at that location alot and ive seen alot of people crossing when the light was on red and the alarm was blaring. These people do not realise that Level Crossing are not here to waste your time, they are there to keep you safe.


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