Asmongold Reacts to "New World – An MMO Already SOLVED?" | By Josh Strife Hayes

Asmongold watches a video by Josh Strife Hayes, who discusses about the problem with modern metagaming and new game releases, while focusing on Amazon’s MMO New World and its launch. New World went through several Beta iterations, so that the whole game has been already deconstructed; removing the mystery of a new MMO release that, on launch, won’t feature any new content…

CHECK OUT Josh Strife Hayes :

Original Video: [New World – Is There Any Adventure Left?]

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48 thoughts on “Asmongold Reacts to "New World – An MMO Already SOLVED?" | By Josh Strife Hayes”

  1. This all goes back to a phrase that I absolutely despise. "Ohhhhh I beat Skyrim in a week."

    You aren't SUPPOSED to "beat" an immersive, open world, open-ended game. Saying you "beat Skyrim" is like saying you "beat Dungeons & Dragons." What the hell does that even MEAN? How do you beat Dungeons & Dragons? How do you beat a world that is expanding and changing? Whether it be an MMO or a singler player RPG, the entire point of the game is the actual experience. Some of the best moments you will have in these types of games is when you try to explore and survive a situation when you DON'T have the optimal gear and you AREN'T the optimal level! It makes no sense to approach a game like Skyrim like you were solving a corporate spreadsheet. It cancels out the very thing that the game is supposed to be!

    Now, you are the one buying the game so you have the right to play it any way you want. You have the right to throw the game out of a car window or set it on fire. You spent the money, that's up to you.

    But I'm simply telling you that if you think you did something great because you "beat Skyrim in a week", you reaaaaalllllly missed the entire point of why the game exists in the first place.

  2. One of the biggest points not mentioned propperly in the video is that the journey is not always worth the destination and vice versa. Min maxing is often not about actualy being the best, but rather not wasting time with wasting your time in a way you do not want to waste your time.
    You can have as much fun as you want, but ALOT of games wastes your time by design in a way you are NOT having fun. Min maxing is about efficiently doing what you want, no matter if it is about minnimizing time spent, or maxamizing fun you have.
    Another point, that azmon also brought up, is that you can have as much fun as you like, but a multiplayer game, dont be suprised that others will ignore you if they dont want to play the way you want to.

  3. About a month ago I went into an ESO dungeon with a random group of people. I have never done the dungeon before, it was my very first time. I had all health buffed heavy armor gear and skills so I was going as a generic tank more or less.

    Before I could even take five seconds to ask any questions about the bosses in the dungeon, all the players went running off at top speed in two different directions, leaping off cliffs and jumping down holes to take shortcuts get to the next part faster than the regular way. So immediately I fall behind and get lost. I had to spend the entire dungeon running at breakneck speed just to catch up to where everybody else was, and ended up missing half of the combat.

    Then of course the bosses, I had to figure out on the spot what the bosses' particular attacks were, what their special abilities were, what type of danger zones or AOE stuff they had. Nobody, nobody warned me about anything or told me anything. Not one. For one boss you had to stay out of the red circle around him or his health would keep regenerating. Well I figured it out but not INSTANTLY. So the second I'm still tanking and his red circle comes out, everybody immediately starts yelling at me and asks what the hell I'm doing.

    So in the end we completed the dungeon but it felt like I was catching a god damn bus because I was late for work. The other players had done the dungeon ten times so for them it was just being bored and doing it again. There was no awareness that GEE, MAYBE some players had never done this before!

    That is the aspect of MMO's that I hate. It's this fast food mentality, do shit to just get through it. No real adventure, no real immersion, just rush rush rush through and assume that everybody must have also done this a hundred time already.

    If these people had spend just one minute preparing, I could have found out all I needed to know about the bosses. If they had run through the dungeon at normal speed and allowed me to keep up instead of leaving me behind, we all would have stayed together no problem.

    The thing is, I don't care how much you're stressed or crunched for time. If you have to finish a dungeon as quickly as possible because of life obligations, spending an extra MINUTE or FIVE MINUTES on the dungeon isn't going to steal your entire day.

  4. This is basically what killed guild wars 2 for me my mate rushed through trying to get the best builds I just wanted to explore this massive world we started out together but by zone 3 he was to busy doing endgame stuff really and once I got there the end game just didn't click with me

  5. Idk what they say New World creators. I have waited for this moment. Tomorrow I buy the game and start my journey!! Thank you for the hard work and money you squandered in making this game. Also, I'll pay to win!!! Dear Jeff, If you can make this into my macdaddy MMO I will decrease the heat of the sun's heat per year by .0002%.

  6. Think the biggest problem is the internet has kind of changed gaming, back in the day there was no internet guides to beat games. You just had to figure it out yourself. Now people just go online and find the easiest way out.

  7. I don't get the issues people have with buying FF14. Like, if you can't figure out their store website, just buy it on Steam??? It took me 5 seconds to buy it on their website, are y'all new to the internet or something??

  8. To me the people who cry about the low content after grind as fuck in the alfa and beta are as stupid as those who cry because they have nothing to do in classic TBC, ¿who order you to finish the game in one week?

  9. Tbh I've lost myself just like many people in all this meta and endgame chasing for most of games I played lately.

    But now for New World I didn't google a single guide for this game, I just enjoy running around and find everything out by myself just like I did years back in golden age of MMOs when I was young and you know what?
    I'm having tons of fun, i actually really just enjoy running around digging plants, doing nothing, exploring new unknown for me world and being lvl 14 after 2 days. Haven't had this much fun since a really long time. Wish you all guys the same, it's such an amazing feeling. Endgame will come eventually but for now? Just enjoy the game for now and have your fun at your own pace. See you all in Aeternum 🙂

  10. This is why I always like finding those hidden gem indie games that nobody plays, because even when I have a moment of weakness and try to look up info, I literally can't because nobody could be arsed to make a guide.

  11. Random starting locations is no issue at all its so fucking easy to just walk to the next town. like take 5 minutes and walk to the next town…. like what you spend more time in a tutorial in other mmos like holy fuck the tutorial in Tera was so long for me to play with my friends in classic before level 10 i had to choose their fucking race and shit like thats fucking WAY worse than walking to a different zone. bro as a night elf i couldnt even get to my friends with any feasibility until level 10

  12. I dont see the problem. MMO players are just fast to make guides and stuff like that. They lean fast. It should not take the fun away from you when you play, plus there is a lot who thinks its fun to follow a guide.

  13. I guess many people had a second map of thottbot back then, it was like searching in a library of books of many authors. It was cool and I aggree with the author of the video that Asmon reacts

  14. see i feel like it’s not the game designers fault that i play games 16 hours a day and finish there months of hard work in a week it’s my fault for playing so much and finish the content to quick idk if anyone else has this issue

  15. Good MMOs should not pander to the casual player. The randomized starting point is not an issue. Even for newbies, by the time you get a hang of controlling your character then you'll be close to being able to meet them up in game. I think it adds to the game more than starting in the same area. Classic wow had the fun journey of meeting up with your friends if you played different races. Seeing land you aren't supposed to see at your level was super fun.

  16. Honestly, I created my own company (so no one will try to recruit me) and I play solo till level 60 without caring about community at all. I am learning the game myself, I do solo PvP and PvP, learning different sometimes very crazy weapon combos (spear+frost, hammer+life, etc.), I have no idea if those are meta or not and I don't care. I am having fun.

  17. The reason new MMORPGs are not that popular nowadays, is that people have focused entirely on metagaming and expect other people to have read a guide for maximum efficiency, in day one, of a "new game". You guys made your bed of nails. Don't toss and turn too much <3 and please, for the love of god, PLEASE, all of you….. keep malding over the micromanagement of specs that change every patch to "keep things new and fresh" so that their games don't stagnate 😉

  18. MMO players right now are hungry for something new. Unfortunately you could tell by the beta how it's just more of the same.
    That's the blight of MMO fans and that is that the genre plays it incredibly safe.

  19. New World will be irrelevant pretty soon anyways. It’s okay for the community to beat it into the ground.

    People will get bored and quit. That’s just proof of how lacking western mmorpgs are in the creativity department.


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