Ashura: Spiritual Lessons of Justice & Hijrah [Ahmad Deeb]

In this Friday Gems, Imam Deeb will talk about how Imam al-Husayn (may Allah be pleased with him) is one of the most important examples of justice in our history. His life and martyrdom, as well as the hijrah, are both honored in the blessed month of Muharram. What can we learn from both as we prepare for the day of Ashura? Imam Deeb’s talk will be followed by a 20 minute question & answer session with the audience.

View the full session here:

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1 thought on “Ashura: Spiritual Lessons of Justice & Hijrah [Ahmad Deeb]”

  1. Dear Imam Deeb, Pls educate. As a Sunni myself, I believe everyone should educate. These Hadith regarding Ashura are fabrications as a response to the Shia mourning, of what occurred on 10th of Muharram. Jews celebrate Passover to commemorate liberation from slavery in Egypt and the “passing over” of the forces of destruction, or the sparing of the firstborn of the Israelites, when the Lord “smote the land of Egypt” on the eve of the Exodus. It is celebrated on the 15th day of Hebrew month on Nissan. It never coincided with the 10th day of Muharram. You can literally calculate back to the time of the Prophet. 10th of Muharram fell on the month of Av of Hebrew calendar. Ibn Abbas was only 3 years old, when Prophet migrated to Medina. He is narrating a Hadith ! Pagan Arabs used to fast on the 10th day of any month. It was only after the event of Karbala people started denoting Ashura explicitly to the 10th day of Muharram. Large number of fabricated Hadith came about to counter Shia narrative of 10th Muharram. Unfortunately, many of them got included even in Bukhari, Muslim and other books. There are other issue as well. Fasting on 10th of Muharram is a pagan practice. Fasting on the month of Ramadan is obligatory. Salam.


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