As a young muslim how do I resist desires about the opposite gender?

Shaykh Lokman Efendi Hz
Waris of SahibulSaif Shaykh Abdulkerim el Kibrisi (qs),

Osmanlı Naksibendi Hakkani Dergahı
1663 Wheat Hill Road
Sidney Center, NY 13839

email: [email protected]

Phone: +1607-369-4816


7 thoughts on “As a young muslim how do I resist desires about the opposite gender?”

  1. Lol 😆
    The most honest answer
    In our era I too think there is almost nothing you can do
    Just follow allahs command
    Lower your gaze
    For the sisters
    Lower your gaze and dress modestly
    Also for both to not talk idly only talk when necessary

    Nowadays we have these problems mostly bec of
    We live in non Muslims countries
    Mixed education

    The prophetic advice cannot really be applied
    Bec if I fast everyday of my life to control my desires then I would be lacking in my school or work
    And what about after iftar ??


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