Arsenal latest news: The new look Emirates | Vinai talks transfers | Mudryk | Who starts vs Spurs

I discuss the latest Arsenal news, giving my thoughts on the new Emirates Stadium artwork designs that was revealed on Wednesday night. I look at what CEO Vinai Venkatesham had to say about transfers amid the ongoing attempts to sign Mykhailo Mudryk and I look ahead to who might start for Arsenal in the north London derby against Spurs.


45 thoughts on “Arsenal latest news: The new look Emirates | Vinai talks transfers | Mudryk | Who starts vs Spurs”

  1. I think they’re absolutely beautiful. Once i got over my own expectations and judged them on their own merits, I love every single one of them. The Highbury one in particular just makes me really emotional for some reason. There’s so much history and iconography now around our club that I just don’t think any other club has. And the fact that we now have a team worthy of the Arsenal name just makes it so much better.

    Just need ‘score guy’ and that guy going mental after the game at OT in 98 on the fans one (I’m assuming Maria will be heavily featured on that) which I’ve not yet seen, and it will be chef’s kiss

  2. I am pleased to hear that the likes of CG and GG were present last night. As a fan who remembers life before Wenger, I was starting to fear that the current regime had forgotten our history and focused on new fans here and abroad. For those who weren't fans when GG was manager, he was an amazing manager who gave us success without spending money. His 91 team didn't cost much and should have been invincible. BTW, did they honour David Dein?

  3. I want to se them raw eyed first before I comment……as for Edu and Vinai a pair of clowns so far we are 12 days in and still no signings….we have a disastrous squad no where near good enough to win the league zero depth we need players capable in now…I wonder what excuse they’ll use .?

  4. George Graham need way more recognition. What he did is on par with Wegner and always remember he was one game short of being invincible. I'd love to see his statue with him calming things down at anfield 89.

  5. Winning the battle may be what Shakhtar want to do but negotiating ought to mean reaching an agreement that both can feel satisfied with. Both clubs can walk away from a deal. Arsenal should have alternative options in mind and Shakhtar should be mindful of the wishes of their player Mudryk.

  6. As a Gooner from the Philippines, I know it's nothing to you guys in the UK and I know that you guys find it aesthetically unappealing, but yall have no idea how much something that small means to supporters like us hahah

  7. The PR at Arsenal deserves an award for deflecting. We have to get players in to the squad for strengthening, and they single-handedly changed the narrative to focus on the ‘artwork’! It looks great, however, the artwork ain’t gonna win us the PREM!!! Villa, Chelsea, ManUre, Liverdrool all made transfers and we are transferring the visuals at the Emirates… wtf 🥴🥴🥴

  8. Would love Mudryk but the price they want is crazy. And those thinking he would win us the league need to step back and think about it- January signings don't usually hit the ground running because they have to adapt to how we play and the PL overall, this goes especially for one so young and inexperienced. He's a great signing for the future but if you want immediate impact the best you can sign is a PL experienced player who can hit the ground running……and that doesn't fit what we're trying to do. Use your noggin people, if we get him this January it's unlikely he will start to make an impact until he has a pre-season under his belt.

  9. I think the strong links with Felix were a masterstroke of Edu's, that served two purposes.
    1, The schoolboy copying is also capable of making some silly decisions like paying 20m for a player on loan. It threw them out of the race for Mudryk.
    2, It let shaktar know that we were willing to go elsewhere.

  10. Does Bukayo Saka need a rest?
    It looks to me that his tenacity & sharpness (in the last 20-30 minutes), has dropped off the levels we were seeing at the beginning of the season.

  11. Love ❤️ the Arsenal art 🖼️ work as it makes the stadium a public art gallery FREE and ACCESSIBLE to enjoy as a destination! Many supporters can’t afford or can get a ticket for football games so it’s very important.

  12. Good day Charles,I'm an arsenal fan from trinidad and tobago,my thinking is that our goals set at the end of last season was to be in the top 4,that goal has now changed,we are now in an position to actually win the league we are ahead on our plans,arsenal should go all out and spend big right now 200mil, on 3 quality players that will fit our team,the prize money for winning the league is approx 160mil,…..risk it or loose it

  13. Transfer question! Anything to the Pedro Poro links coming out of Portugal? Pedro Almeida randomly tweeted "Arsenal approached Pedro Porro." Then a few days later O Jogo also mentioned interest while linking him to Chelsea. I mostly found it curious because interest in Ivan Fresneda was circling around not too long ago. With Cedric potentially on his way out, is this the position we'd be looking to add to in January after Mudryk? With White now being the first choice RB, (but also still considered CB cover?) who do they get in that would be happy in that 3rd choice role?


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