Are You Facing Stress & Burnout? 3 Biblical Steps | Part 4 | Weeds in My Garden (Mental Health)

Mental Health Resources 👉
You’ve probably felt the weight of pressing deadlines, overwhelming demands, and no energy or motivation left at the end of your day. Stress & Burnout… these are unavoidable in our hurried society.

Well, this isn’t how you were designed to live. God cares and gets us. Join pastor Ben Cachiaras as he teaches 3 Biblical Steps to beating back stress and burnout, and stepping into the life God has created you for.
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2 thoughts on “Are You Facing Stress & Burnout? 3 Biblical Steps | Part 4 | Weeds in My Garden (Mental Health)”

  1. I'm there 100%…yet—
    2 Corinthians 12:9: But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

    I'm onna samich sabbatical with our Lord God Almighty Savior Jesus Christ, my Brother 💞
    Diving deep in the Word with reverent contemplation, rest, reflect, eat, move and flex, be still, pray, sleep. Repeat 👱‍♀️🧎‍♀️😌🕊❣

    Most excellent sermon, Ben! Thank you for sharing true steps and practices, Biblically based, God ordained ways of renewing body, mind, heart and soul… to radiantly reflect God's Glory🥰. Amen.


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