My husband crawled into bed the day before our divorce. "One last time", He said. then suddenly…

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46 thoughts on “My husband crawled into bed the day before our divorce. "One last time", He said. then suddenly…”

  1. Touches my heart. I was with my husband when he took his last breath. He died in the bedroom where I slept as a child in my parents home. Peacefully. Thank you.

  2. This was an exquisite and sad story – what happened to in sickness and health- we’re to be there for our loved ones – too many “noble” thinking ppl – we cheat ourselves and each other out of time that could’ve been spent together 🙏🏻💜✝️ still a very moving and loving story – I cried 😔🥰

  3. I watch a lot of these videos, but never have I enjoyed one as much as I have this one. I am still crying. It makes me believe in love again. I can relate to this. Next month, it will be 24 years since I have lost my husband. I really love this story

  4. Yes I cried too. It’s been almost 2 years since I lost my beloved soulmate and husband of 38 years. Our story is similar to this one in only one way – that we loved each other with all our hearts. Our love story is too long to go into here but I learned so much from my beloved. About how love lives through every kind of disaster and how the vows you make aren’t hard to keep at all because love is stronger than any problem.

    My husband had a serious back injury that required 2 major spinal surgeries to keep him out of a wheelchair and he was still in daily pain. It got to the point where our intimate life was affected and this had been really important to both of us. But it didn’t matter as time moved on because we found that the love we had was growing by leaps and bounds and that was what was important.

    He began to develop signs of dementia and suffered from hallucinations. Then he entered the hospital with what we thought was pneumonia. A day later an unknown doctor told me he had end stage Parkinson’s disease and had only a few days left. I brought him home on hospice, so he could be surrounded by those that loved him. I had him for 6 days. He chose to slip away quietly when I left the room to get my pajamas. I was gone for little more than 5 minutes but when I returned, he was gone.

    For a couple of months I was living like in a bubble, no emotion, few tears. Finally it hit me and all the tears I’d suppressed have come. It’ll be 2 years soon and I still feel so alone. He was my love, my life, my alpha wolf. We mated for life and though I’m still here, in reality I’m not. I have no one close. My daughter walked out because her husband didn’t like me (I wouldn’t let him bully me); she left me without money, food or medicine, on the verge of homelessness. I found friends I didn’t know I had who each helped in their own way and I now have a new roommate in the apartment I shared with him.

    Although I’m not as alone as I thought, I’m still very empty inside. He wanted me to remarry after because he knew how much love I had to give but I’ve come to realize that I only want to give that love to him. I’ll never say never but unless an extraordinary man appears, I’ll spend the few years I have left with my memories. And from time to time I do sense that he’s with me, just briefly. I do wonder, does anyone know, do the tears ever stop?

  5. Lauren Rose, your beautiful wonderful marriage to your husband was like mine. Our marriage was made in Heaven to live on earth. Time flew by and I still couldn’t get enough of the 42 years of togetherness. My husband had dementia too and I had to put him in assisted living. I visited him from morning til midnight for 18 days. I decided to leave early that last nite and by the time I got home (35 minutes later) the phone rang telling me my husband has passed. Days weeks months I cried cried cried . To this day, as I talk about my Precious Husband, I still tear up loving him missing him so much.
    I hurt for the husband and wife in this video because they still loved each other. And so much time was wasted. I cried hard because I know how heartache feels like loving and missing our spouses.

  6. Very good story, well written, and well narrated. But if my husband did that to me I'd be mad AF. They missed days and months with each other, didn't say I love you to the other. I'd rather know what was going on and just be with him through whatever happens.

  7. Teresa!! Like minds. Loved it. Of all these really stupid stories I've watched, this one is the best. Most of these stories are dumb. And why is it that it's always the women that get screwed.. And they are about the same old things.And the voices of the men and women. Really stupid. But that's just me.

  8. What a very beautiful story
    Had me in tears all the time
    Their love for each other was so great, but it ended so sadly
    I lost the love of my life will be three years this year and I still miss and love him so much
    This was actually one of the best love stories that I listened to❤❤❤


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