Are The Lunar Colonies Rebelling? Here`s What Will Happen.

The first part presents the theory behind this perverse mechanism called “independence syndrome,” and the second part chronicles how things could unfold in the event of a rebellion by some lunar colonies. Enjoy!

No, no way… it’s History that teaches us that, the one with a capital H.
If Earthlings manage to create self-sufficient communities on Mars, the initial colonists will consider themselves Earthlings and abide by Earth’s laws, at least in the beginning. However, as the generations pass, this won’t satisfy them anymore. They won’t feel American or Russian or from wherever they came; they’ll feel Martian. They’ll say, ‘Listen, we don’t want to pay taxes anymore, and we want to develop our legal system.’ And then the troubles will begin. It seems inevitable. In 20 years or two centuries, humans will undoubtedly set foot on the Moon and Mars, establishing the first colonies.

How do you think things will unfold? After a certain number of years, will the colonizers demand independence? And what will Earth do in that case? Cut off supplies? Sever communication? Is there a risk of an actual conflict? In the case of open rebellion, is it ethical to destroy a colony to win? Well, knowing human nature and the tendency of history to repeat itself in different contexts and environments, I’d say our great-great-great grandchildren will have this challenging dilemma to face. It’s better to start thinking about it now, don’t you think?


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00:00 Intro
4:08 3 Consequences
14:49 The Luna secession war begins…

#insanecuriosity #lunarbase #spacecolonization


19 thoughts on “Are The Lunar Colonies Rebelling? Here`s What Will Happen.”

  1. It's hard to imagine how Martian or Lunarian colonies could turn to be independent nations as they'd always be surrounded by the ever-deadly space and thus they probably would be very dependent on Earth's support. I picture the settlements on Mars and the Moon as territories over which multiple sovereign powers would formally agree to share equal dominium and exercise their rights jointly, without even dividing it into "national" zones.

  2. Like many classic sci-fi stories, this supposes that things are going to stay exactly the same. It's forgetting the scenario where the USA was completely devastated and abandoned due to radiation after Russia nuked it, along with half of Europe from the American retaliation. No more Microsoft or any other large companies, especially as Earth's survivors decided to do away with rampant capitalism, too much technological dependence and the rape of the remaining land and nature merely for profit. China has gone, now in smaller independent states after complete breakdown both economically and due to extreme storms and earthquakes and borders and countries have changed, if not altogether gone, to be replaced by small town councils and no powerful politicians…they've had enough of them and the earth can't sustain them or the greedy any longer. A lot can change in a hundred years or more! 😉

  3. The fact that the Earth is not our possession has not yet dawned on us as humans. When it finally does, only then will we be free. Obtaining 'freedom' from the powers that be does not grant one freedom. It only enslaves those who wish to be free to their own dogma. Wake up! Witness your own enslavement to yourselves and set the Earth free.

  4. The US is bombing civilians and changing regimes for not agreeing with them in the UN … after the first word of Lunar Independence there will be exterminatus-style orbital bombardment. I don't think China or Russia would do anything else as well! Also by then, let us hope that idiotic nonsense like equity will be a nonrecognizable slang

  5. The colonies will, if they really become independent from Earth resupply, begin to assert independence. Those born off Earth can't return here. Much more so than on Earth, they will be living in very specific locations due to local resources needed. The space law set long ago will need to be revised. But we are a long time away, a few generations of time, before this is an issue so it's all wild speculation.

  6. Human colonies on Mars or the Moon aren't a sure thing, but if they do become a reality, they will be dependent on the Earth's supply shipments for maybe centuries and only after that long they should be able to claim independence. I think it would take some really unfair treatment from the Earth to encourage them to claim independence.

  7. Provided the Moon colonizers have built habitats covered with at least 1 yard lunar soil to lower the deadly radiation on the lunar surface of 400 mSv/a (2 mSv/a on Earth, 150 mSv/a on the ISS) acc to China's Chang'e 4 radiation tests of 2019 not to get contaminated after two months already, they'd still remain hopelessly dependent on regular supply flights from Earth. Because of such a chronic shortage of self-sufficiency (plant seed tests by Chang'e 4 failed), a Moon colony would not become independent from Earth. Impose embargo! (I just love science fiction)


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