Apple TV Releases 1st Two Episodes of Patriots Documentary – Sunday Kickoff w/ Barth & Battle

Alex Barth and Cerrone Battle react to the first two episodes of the New England Patriots documentary, “The Dynasty.”


4 thoughts on “Apple TV Releases 1st Two Episodes of Patriots Documentary – Sunday Kickoff w/ Barth & Battle”

  1. It was Pioli who made the comments. He said Drew had been a good, sometimes great, QB in the past but had taken way too many hits in his career and it was showing. I think, particularly if we go back to 1999, play on the field bore that out.

  2. Ehh Alex, I don't agree with the assessment that "Bill wouldn't even tell the starting QB who the starting QB was". If you end the timeline at Drew's drive home from the hospital then yes that is the case but he very clearly named Tom the starter in his press conference in the very next set of scenes, and doubled down after the Rams loss as well. That is starkly different behavior than refusing to name Zappe/Mac this season.


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