Fang Comes to the Rescue | Primal | adult swim

The Vikings prepare to attack Mira’s tribe but get distracted by Fang’s dramatic entrance. Watch Season 2 of Primal Thursdays at midnight on [adult swim]. Next day on HBO Max:

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Fang Comes to the Rescue | Primal | adult swim


49 thoughts on “Fang Comes to the Rescue | Primal | adult swim”

  1. I really appreciated the depiction of Vikings in this show, they enslaved and destroyed others around them but we're still people with families and emotions despite their horrible actions

  2. Probably one of my favorite things about this episode is that even tho these Vikings are very tough where they live they are mostly only used to human conflict. Where as Spear and Fang have had to fight much worse things than people. They brought a little bit of where they’re from to these Vikings and they were not prepared for it. I mean that scene where Spear knocks that one Viking off his bear and he swings his sword at Spear and Spear catches his arm with his mouth and rips a chunk out really just says it all.

  3. I’m honestly not surprised that Spear and Fang won this fight. They’ve faced far worse odds and survived! I mean they’ve faced down other theropods, giant snakes, mammoths, raptors, man eating bats, a giant spider, ape-men, a pack of wild dogs, a zombified sauropod, witches, a nocturnal dinosaur that kills everything in its path, a mosasaurus, and a Megalodon. And that’s only what we’ve seen. These poor vikings never really stood a chance.

  4. This episode describes war perfectly. It’s not pretty, it’s not fun, and it’s not satisfying. It’s horrible, there’s bloodshed, and people with families die. We often see the men as soldiers fighting, but we hardly ever see the women and children and how it effects them. The Vikings did not believe what they were doing was wrong even tho it was. Yes, they kept slaves, but so did we not to long ago and probably believed they were giving them a better life than what they already had in some twisted way, but in the end it was still evil. We always forget in war that every single life is an individual person who has a family. Our enemies, the ones who are in the wrong, will always have loved ones because just like us, they are still human. It is always the leaders who are the real enemies, not the soldiers. Perspective is the thing that truly divides us. Genndy Tartakovsky is not afraid to hold his punches.

  5. At the end of the day I don’t think Spear and Fang were really the villains here. They were simply trying to free Mira and the other slaves and the vikings obviously were not going to allow that. Yes many of viking villages likely did not even know why Spear and Fang were fighting them, but I doubt they could’ve negotiated with them because as we can see their will is so strong that even the women and children are fighting. They were going to kill Spear and Fang no questions asked and while they both tried to get away at one point the villagers pursued them and the only way they were gonna get out alive was to fight. These vikings were bada** and were gonna fight til they were all dead which they did and I respect that. I’m more worried about Spear and what the emotional scaring will do to him afterwards.

  6. Primal is work of genies, just saw the ep 5 of s2 and wow … s1 was really good and s2 omg its great .. the bond between the T-rex and him it gives me chills, now ep 5 I mean there some truth to that I did not expect that, this is the ONLY tv Show to ever stun me at the end of an ep and leave me thinking for a good 15 mints ..ep 5 s2 idk I was stunned, confused and mind blown and the funny thing out of it all is that it help me realize something about me, im not going to get much in to that lol some what personal but I just Love this show that I felt that I wanted to tell the creator and team that what amazing work and if you have not seen this your missing out, I just love it xD

  7. can we just apreciate the nod to jurassic park when she comes closer and the ground starts to tremble, and the norsmen don't know what's coming but we, the audience remember "oh yeah, Fang is a t-rex"
    (even tho she is actually an albertosaurus, they dont know that)

  8. I nearly fell off my chair, a good 3 minutes of laughter.
    Had to pause it till I could recompose myself.

    That scene of Fang and Spear with an intimidation fail was criminally funny!


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