Apparently “THIS DECK IS BUSTED” – Check the Comments

Today we are messing around with a sera surfer deck. But we are plying too cards that you don’t often see in sera surfer decks. We have added baron mordo and ice man to the deck to help prevent our opponent from playing exactly what they want. Thanks for watching and I hope you enjoy!

#marvelsnap #marvel


33 thoughts on “Apparently “THIS DECK IS BUSTED” – Check the Comments”

  1. Completly agree idk why they nerf nova they said his effect is too powerful for a 1/2 but he is easy to counter with armor or cosmo cause you need to destroy him late as possible to up lot of card but for me iceman effect is completly overpower in this case for a 1/2 Can just destroy a lot of combo or just completly take Ur 5 cost out of the game

  2. I've tried a deck with Baron/Mantis/Cable/Yondu/Maximus/Iceman and Falcon, so i can use effect of Mantis and Yondu again. Not really the best deck, but milling the entire opponent deck on turn 3~4 was fun to do. Oh, and black bolt, so they discard the usually a big card at the end.

  3. Is 'retreat later' ever risky or is it straight up better than Retreat Now as long as you're patient enough to wait? I've never used it, I haven't even seen what it looked like until this video.

  4. The thing that is most annoying for me is how Ghost Rider and/or Hela seem to be discard magnets (they always get discarded when they are in my hand) when I use them 😅

  5. Been messing around with mordo, iceman, maximus, black widow, beast, ronan the accuser and taskmaster, been kinda fun but it does have a way of forcing retreats tho which isn't gr8 for climbing.

    (idea is get as many cards in opponents hand for ronan as possible then clone him with TM, and using beast on mordo/maximus/widow in the hopes u can play them again later).

    Cloning vats helps a lot with this too


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