‘Appalled’: ABC reporter lashed for ‘always was, always will be’ on-air remark

Sky News Senior Reporter Caroline Marcus has lashed an ABC reporter for saying Australia “always was, always will be Aboriginal land” during an interview on Australia Day.

ABC Indigenous Affairs editor Bridget Brennan was being interviewed on ABC’s News Breakfast program by presenter Michael Rowland when she acknowledged Australia Day was an “important day” for First Nations people.

“For First Nations people, for my people, this is a very important day to remember our ancestors and those who fought for many decades to improve the living standards for our people and remember that it always was and always will be Aboriginal land,” she said.

The ABC reporter has received backlash on social media over her comments.

“That correspondent has absolutely no place saying that line with an ABC microphone,” Ms Marcus said.

“She should be part of a protest that has absolutely no place on a taxpayer-funded, public broadcaster that has a charter to be fair and impartial.

“We are spending those high taxes on funding these people, basically pushing propaganda that we should not be proud of the country that we live in, that we shouldn’t be proud of our history with all of its flaws, and it is a very flawed history we should acknowledge that, but I was appalled to see that and that being allowed to stand but its not surprising given what we know about the ABC.”


47 thoughts on “‘Appalled’: ABC reporter lashed for ‘always was, always will be’ on-air remark”

  1. Being an Indian, I understand the protest and it's reason behind it. But saying it's aboriginal land can easily mean go out Whites which is not a good sentiment. That aside, what's the point of bringing a Palestinian flag to the protests?!

  2. Gosh, could you imagine if they got the voice up the abuse of power that would be used to destroy this land .
    Mayo got his manifesto for
    this country from South Africa .
    We must fight so these traitor's do not take over.
    Mayo and friends are also communists, so be awake and not allow these radicals to destroy us.

  3. Im a proud aboriginal/Australian and ( ALWAYS WAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE ) is bullshit all them aboriginals look European can't see no aboriginal in them makes me sick get over it the rest of us that have true culture in our blood n veins have learned to live with it Australia day will always be Australia day bunch of BACK2FRONT COCONUTS LOL

  4. You can see an example of allowing this sort of backwards thinking can lead… the U.K. Is drowning in immigrants who have been allowed to take over…. It begun like your flag & caught fire to whites are a minority who apparently it’s OK to be racist too openly.
    The USA are making same mistake having open borders they are like a slowly burning toad in a pot of water. Their flag has all but gone from their home-fronts..
    Do allow yourself& your culture to be diluted Australians (both of your distinct cultures should stand shoulder to shoulder 4 this one )

  5. That’s great news about awakening to the cultural assault of the neo-marxists, but sadly inaccurate on one important point: stupidity can most definitely sustain itself. The evidence is all around us.

  6. Australias success has never been an "Indigenous" thing. It was always a story of successful colonization of the smart in a mostly less-civilized continent. It is just plain survival of the smartest. We humans would not exist if the modern homo sapiens outbirthed the less-sophisticated neandertal humans. Most probably without colonizations there wouldn't even be any more indigenous people left.
    And actually anyone should be proud of that fact

  7. Israelis used the same propaganda i.e Palestine land as their indeginious land so why are they allowed to say that? Why can’t the journalist say similar thing i.e it’s always Aboriginal land

  8. Look at all the brainwashed young females and how many of them are White. This is exactly why the communists wanted to separate White women from White men under various guises such as 'equal rights', 'liberation' and 'feminism'.

  9. Bob Dylan sang, "The times they are a changin'" In the 1700's and 1800's millions of people poured into America legally through the proper channels, immigrants from all over the world. And other than some slaves brought to the US against their will every single one wanted to be an American. Today millions pour across the border illegally and not a single one wants to become American. They all want the American dollar and all the country has to offer but they expect you to cater to them and accommodate them. They have no desire to assimilate whatsoever and they exude this entitlement about them that they are owed a free living or way of life. They do not respect the citizens, the flag, the country, or the laws and/or law enforcement. While I'm not Aussie and not privy to all your problems I believe you to be suffering the same afflictions we Americans are forced to endure.

  10. American here. Don't let the bullies continue. If you're proud of your country, say it LOUD! Don't become like the states where our bullies are taking down statues of our founding fathers. Press for your educational system to teach your country's unvarnished history, the good and the bad. It is a hell of a lot better than the children not learning it but hearing the lies through the media. If that happens, it's the beginning of a downward spiral. Hope you all had an awesome Australia Day!!

  11. Last time I looked, Aboriginals like driving cars, watching tv, shopping at supermarkets, having a roof over their heads that doesn't blow over in a storm, wearing modern clothes, being able to take a shower and shit in a bathroom. All of this is only possible for them because of European settlement. This is a western society, and if they don't like it, they have plenty of bare land to live as their ancestors lived centuries ago.

  12. Canadians are going through this and have also had enough. But if you watch the censored main stream media outlets, you wouldn't even know it. The media seems to boast that all Canadians are are "ok" with these changes. Um…no. Around 90% of Canadians disagree with the cancel culture. This movement has actually caused more damage in erasing tolerance and understanding as they continue to attack the history and traditions of the country. So much so, the mainstream population that used to embrace tolerance and understanding is lashing out. In fact, the pendulum has started to swing so hard the other way, there are notable increases in hate crimes (or resentment) towards the "destroyers of institutions" the back lash is evident. It is totally working against them. Bigotry is towards all these woke movements, minorities, religions and special interests groups has sky rocketed. Be proud of your history and know also we made mistakes but understand as a nation we got better, learned and evolved from those mistakes. Its like apologising for a choice or decision you made when you were 10 years old…………YOU WERE 10………and you grew up.


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