Angie taking care of the raccoons for me

Rainy night tonight my fever acting up again. Having a camera in my stomach tomorrow at the hospital


31 thoughts on “Angie taking care of the raccoons for me”

  1. Prayers for Jim. I hope everything goes well. Angie will be right there with you. She's a sweet and caring person. Happy to see some raccoons on a rainy night. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. How are you holding up Angie? Jim is trying to get necessary things done to make both your lives easier as he recuperates. I always had trouble with bears getting into the trash can until I got a thick nylon type truckers’ RATCHET STRAP from the store.
    The wider the better! I learned from experience. The rubber ones are easily shaken off. The only hard part is getting up early enough for the garbage truck since I have to remove the straps.

  3. Im very concerned about the frequent fevers. It doesn't make sense that his doctors aren't looking into the cause. Ive been in medicine for 30 years and fevers are always investigated to avoid a serious complication.
    Perhaps you've already mentioned this and i missed it.

  4. hope you get feeling better James personally i would not want to go anywhere near a hospital in Canada these days best of luck it is so cool that your responsible for a regional hotdog shortage lol in my area its a peanut shortage a few of us are in competition to buy up all the 2kilo bags of peanuts from the no frills lol my blue jay horde vacuum them up big time and the local possum loves them and sunflower seeds

  5. Hello James and Angie, I havent been able to view your channel for awhile. Im glad to see all is well and Im so happy that you have found Angie and vice versa. She's so kind and funny and and you both seem to have the same things in commom. And I can tell that she cares for you so much. So congratulations to both of you although I'm very late in saying so. So stay well stay happy and keep feeding your ringtailed bandits! They appreciate you so much. And we all appreciate your channel.

  6. Hi everyone toots. My close friend always laughs and excuses herself and I hardly smell it. Unless it's an
    How many babies do momma raccoons have a year?
    Oh I love the adorable cats.


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