An Occultist's DEEP-DIVE Guide To Meditation

This video discusses everything you need to know to start an effective meditation practice. This video is for witches, occultists, chaos magicians, spiritualists, and anyone in between.

Here are all the resources discussed in the video.

PREREQUISITE: An Occultist’s Guide To Brain Wave States

How To Navigate A Spiritual Awakening (The Ego & The Higher Self)

The In’s and Out’s of Astral Work & Spirit Flight

For Zen Buddhism, read anything by Thich Nhat Hanh.
“Meditative Mind” is an excellent YouTube channel for binaural beats and meditation tracks.
Check out the meditation app called “Aura” or the meditation app called “Headspace”

Join the channel membership here:

Find me on Instagram @IvyTheOccultist

00:00 Intro
01:58 What is meditation and what is the point?
07:06 Types of Meditation
18:45 How To Start & Build A Practice
31:24 Neurodivergence: ADHD
33:57 Neurodivergence: Aphantasia
38:15 Neurodivergence: ASD
40:09 How To Stay Consistent
45:18 Commonly Asked Questions


39 thoughts on “An Occultist's DEEP-DIVE Guide To Meditation”

  1. As someone who has an autism diagnosis and is considering the possibility of ADHD, it made me so happy to hear you have a section on us in the video too for us who aren't neurotypical. Anyway, going to watch the video now 😊 I'm so excited! I've been waiting for this video ❤

  2. Thanks for the great content! This is so basic but important, it should be more relevant in occult community. I see so much emphases on making fancy rituals and stuff, but if your mind is everywhere and nowhere at the same time is worthless.

  3. Yaaaaaaaaaaaas!!! I keep wondering if what i do is meditation, visualisation and whatnot and everywhere i hear thats the key to understand what comes from your brain and what comes from "anything/anyone" else, but ive always been so confused about it. Thank tou SO much for this Ivy!!! Also as an autistic person myself and my wife with ADHD these specific tips are really really appreciated 🙏🏽
    Edit: my repetitive task is usually crochet and the drama is it actually might make me fall asleep so it's hard to hang on to the edge

  4. I highly recommend meditating in the morning not long after waking up. The mind is much calmer and cleared, compared to a time like right after work.
    Getting a decent amount of sleep, and limiting screen time before sleep does help as well with morning meditations. If there are days where you would really prefer to avoid noisy distractions, then I would recommend ear plugs.

    Thanks Ivy, for your thorough video!

  5. Thank you for sharing meditation has always been a struggle for me because of two of the issues you talked about today. And I come away from meditation feeling like a a failure.your decision and explanation today was very helpful and I can’t wait to apply and try your suggestions. ❤❤

  6. I'm glad you suggested watching the video on brain wave states. I had watched it during lunch at work when it posted and hadn't retained as much as I had thought.🤣 Always appreciate the care and thoughtfulness of your content and the generous gift of your time. ⏳Sometimes I'll use the "I'm too busy" excuse not to meditate when I'm just being lazy. You've presented a lot of ways to successfully cultivate a meditative practice, some I had forgotten. The benefits, especially in magical practice, are so worth the time.

  7. I would say that even better than recording a guided meditation in your own voice to play back is to have a loved one record it. I know a LOT of people who absolutely hate the sound of their own voice.

  8. I'm not finished watching your video yet 😅 . I know you said you haven’t covered all types of meditations but I thought I'd mention 2 that could be helpful to occult practitioners. One is drawing down energy and circulating it in your body. I've practiced 2 forms: one where the energy comes from opening chakras and the other where "high frequency" energy is channeled from spirit entities. Both forms came from a healing tradition where the purpose was to increase the quality of your energy to make the healing more effective. Of course in these traditions the meditation doesn’t stand alone, there is a whole program of practices included to ensure you're not harming yourself and screwing up your life. I mention it because perhaps if you cultivate your own energy, you might not need to rely on the energy of other beings and entities. The second type is where you focus on a part of your body to either develop it (like the pineal gland) or because it is a portal into the void.

  9. This is so so so helpful! Thank you!

    I have just started doing some beginner kundalini yoga, since I kept seeing snakes crawling up/down in my day-to-day life…not sure if I was just imagining the messages, but I figured I'd give it a try.

  10. Thank you so much for this video, this is extremely helpful and informative!

    PS I think the light from the sun looks kinda cool in this video. It creates a nice, sort of dramatic (in a good way) contrast. 🙂

  11. My first impression was how perfect your colors are. Lip color, blouse and hair are just gorgeous.
    Thank you for all this information. I have been trying different medications for several months. I love the journey type best.

  12. I have now watched the entire video, and I just wanted to say, thank you for all the advice and guidance you've given us. It honestly means so much and is a great starting point ♥ I have gotten a lot of ideas personally on how to switch up my meditation practice and start working on blocks.

    You saying that you do unguided visualization meditations made me finally feel allowed to do them 🙂 I used to think that doing those were just daydreaming and not real. That following a guided meditation by someone else was more real, than to listen to my own intution. I have been doing guided meditations for months now and although they are nice to do before bed to relax and fall asleep faster. They are far too restricting when I want to connect with my spirit guides.

    So, after today. I am going to start slowly building up my meditation practice in a new direction where I go on my own journey and see where it takes me. I already have a place within my mind that I always return to. My own inner realm or whatever you'd like to call it, it's actually an entire island lol
    I feel like I have gotten permisson to actually explore it now, so thank you!

  13. For anyone struggling with anxiety or intrusive thoughts during meditation, look up the channel "Therapy in a Nutshell". She has amazing courses on processing emotions, anxiety, intrusive thoughts, etc that she has made free to the public. She's a professional and she's amazing. I was on medication for severe anxiety for 20 years. I'm no longer on that medication. I'm definitely not saying that's going to be possible for everyone, but I'm saying that there's hope. Once I started processing my emotions and memories, I was able to do amazing things during meditation. Acceptance has been huge for me. The harder I fought my thoughts and anxiety, the worse it got. Emma explains this. Good luck all 💞 You got this

  14. I think I have moments during meditation or visualization that I slip into alpha but it doesn’t last long. I’m not sure how to maintain it while I’m trying to do spellwork. Like when I end my meditation beforehand, I’m too lucid to be in alpha while I’m doing spellwork. Not sure how to overcome this.

  15. What a fantastic video with so much great information. I have to tell you, I’ve been a witch for over 30 years and I learn something new every time I watch a new video from your channel. Thank you so much for creating such amazing content. You’re brilliant.

  16. I'm currently struggling with long COVID and in cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation. The nurses there suggested meditation with breath work for me and I have to say, it's been really helpful in my recovery (this is not medical advice). I can use the breath work during my rehab exercises and I see the results in my blood pressure and heart rate. I've been using a different style of meditation for a while now and really enjoy mixing it up now. Happy meditating everyone!


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