An inconvenient truth

COVID, the untold story. So much more makes sense after this book and my first illuminating discussion with Dr. Craig. Get your copy in the UK here:

For friends in the US get your copy here,

Have you ever felt the covid story did not entirely add up? Expired contains multiple eye-opening revelations about covid with compelling evidence that provides a coherent, sober and clear explanation that better fits the data we have so far.
Meticulous research by pathologist Dr Clare Craig sheds light on the largely overlooked evidence of airborne virus transmission, examining twelve related beliefs on spread, lockdowns, asymptomatic infections, and masks. In addition, Expired champions the importance of Western ethical principles, damaged by pandemic actions and calls for their restoration.
The covid debate has proved incredibly polarising. One side believed every intervention was saving lives, while the other emphasised the harms caused. Biased modelling based on a worst-case scenario led to fearful assumptions presented as fact. By dint of sheer repetition these ‘facts’ became unquestionable. Those scientists who dared to question were proclaimed dangerous. Welcome to Cloud-Covid-Land.
Let’s bring back nuance. It’s time to return to reality.”


37 thoughts on “An inconvenient truth”

  1. Dr.john,have you seen the inerviews out now where the top experts in this not good situation have come together with Andrew with their true findings, for parliament .all of them together powerful cant sweep tbis away.😊

  2. Just wanna remind people that people did die during this time. I worked in health care during the pandemic as a nurse and I lost some patients (mostly old but those were also people) but most of all I even lost my best friend that was only 35 years old in the spring of 2020, a friend of mine also lost her father that was only 60.

    I'm also critical of how this pandemic was handled but we also need to remember the lockdown was not only for people not to get covid it was so not everyone got covid at the same time. Working in health care was horrible during these years (specially in the emergency ward) because of the logistics of trying to isolate people from eachother and find space to treat other illnesses. It was no room for everyone to get sick at the same time.

    And for the vaccine. It got its flaws and most of people dont need it (specially not kids and probably not if you already had covid and you got through it fine) but for some they do. I wish my friend had gotten it. Then he still might have been here today.

  3. Tell ya Doc, I took 2 for the gipper ONLY cause we were told the vax would stop the spread.

    That was a lie.

    Worse yet, I knew it was an experiment – there were some physicians who had the guts to speak up despite regulatory sanction – and was quite familiar with the many “views” as to how and why the pandemic happened.

    Deceit and skullduggery.

    Now I’m paying for it health wise.


  4. The new priestly class of white coats are highly overrated- it’s simply an industry cabal pushing their koolaid on the masses, controlling membership and messaging, while making a fortune off of our continued sickness. FYMM

  5. i used to think my fellow man on the left were incompetent idiots who were too willing to take a free hand-out from the government. So naive I thought "to trust the government, are you kidding?". But the whole time I'm thinking this, the lefties are being told how brilliant and altruistic they are to be caring for the less fortunate and how utter draconian the "far right wingers" were. Turns out the joke is on both of us. Neither left nor right matters at all. What matters is that our masters are spinning us into spineless idiots who do not know right from wrong. And, come to find out, this us-vs-them is all part of being human. Brainwashing is innate to all humans for whatever reason. The powerful know this and us commoners are too hypnotized to recognize it. Mattias Desmot hits it out of the park explaining this phenomenon during an interview w/Tucker C. at (check it out and you will have your eyes opened for good).

  6. People attract personal attacks for a couple of reasons:
    1 Because they are brave crusaders revealing truths discounted by mainstream science
    2 Because they are cranks promoting nonsensical ideas.
    If Craig believes Campbell to be a fellow traveler then I'm going with number 2.

  7. I see many people seeking the truth, along with that there are many people in the carnivore community who follow you, John. I see nurses who are carnivore and the one person they mention in looking for confidence in an honest trustworthy message, is you! Following you long before 2020.

  8. Threats are no joke. As for Western society, if you look at how the CCP runs China in the modern age, you can see where those who took ahold of the functioning of society in the West during the pandemic got their ideas. China's online social credit system, lockdowns, forced medical intervention, enforcing medical policies with police force, etc were suddenly all used here in the USA. For the first time the were asking you to download an app to track & trace everyone under the guise of social distancing. Then you couldn't go to work without taking part in a medical experiment. It's been unbelievable to watch, and even more so unbelievable how many citizens just willingly complied. I began to see that there were a lot more Western politicians and government officials who were very much advocates of Marxist fascism and yet seem unaware that this is what they for the most part. These same folks are even scarier as they call dissent fascism etc. I feel like I've been watching the world turn upside down.

    I was quite fortunate when the lockdowns happened. I was self employed in a business that I didn't have to shutdown and could do from home. So, I was never financially struggling. I lived in one of the most safe and politically conservative areas of CA. I wasn't micromanaged by my city. I wasn't forced to wear masks everywhere. My neighbors weren't spying on me. In fact, the majority of my city went outside without masks as families everyday at the very start. I think my city became more healthy as everyone starting walking around with friends and family and their dogs. Everyone took to 'exercising' everyday. They had smiles for each other as the past by others homes or others out and about, saying "Hello!". It was actually quite pleasant because we were able to socialize MORE not less. Because I was self employed, I never had a reason to take any experimental drugs. I even had a cancer scare, and surgery to remain it within my city in April, 2021 along with a colonoscopy. No doctor demanded I take any experimental drug and handled me with respect and care. I will say that the doctor who performed the surgery suddenly quite practicing medicine to "spend more time with her family" the following year. She was young, not old enough to be 'retiring', and I often wondered if it was due to pressure from California state controlled authorities. The politicians that run CA and their inclination towards Marxist fascism is quite scary.

  9. Did she say COVID was overdiagnosed? Did Swedish authorities, for one, think there was overdiagnosing? Did Swedish authorities, who did less immunizing than most in Europe, feel pressure from big pharma to do more?

  10. When u listen to this interview, u clearly see that many people were late to wake up.
    Those 2 doctors woke only up during this Covid-19 time.
    Though the manipulations are there since ever.
    When Davi….d I…KE told about all of this palndemic at the beginning, many people laughed out so loud at him!!!
    But actually he is pretty correct.
    Almost everything he said is verified now.
    I already knew all of those plans since years.
    It’s out there for those who are Interested to know deeper and better.

  11. I said, right from the start, that Boris' notion of following the Science, was daft. Science is neither a philisophy nor a religion so you don't follow it! Science is continuously changing. It's a reflection of our current knowledge and it is scientific to always question it otherwise we'd ztill be living on a flat earth enduring the medical pricess of blood letting.
    Science, by its very ature MUST be questionned.


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