Amphimon VS Kuzuhamon!! | Digimon Card Game: RB-01 vs EX-04 Rise of Alters (ROUND 2)

This is Round 2 of Rise of Alters, a team battle featuring 4 decks each from the two latest sets in the Digimon Card Game: RB-01 Rising Wind (a Reboot Booster or reprint set) and EX-04 Alternative Being (a Theme Booster). The second round will be a clash between Blue Maidens – Amphimon from Ghost Game and Kuzuhamon. The Blue Amphimon deck exploits a combination of mass draws and discards to quickly cycle through its resources, fueling a combination of disrupting the enemy’s field while clinching the game with a series of continuous attacks. On the other hand, the Yellow/Blue Kuzuhamon deck is a branch of the Sakuyamon deck which adds the Blue twist of playing Digimon from evolution cards. With tools such as gaining Blocker and bounce, it is somewhat more control-oriented but can also suddenly clinch games by going wide. But in this battle, there can only be 1 winner. Will the queen of the Net Ocean reign superior? Or will she ultimately be exorcised by the vengeful spiritualist?

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20 thoughts on “Amphimon VS Kuzuhamon!! | Digimon Card Game: RB-01 vs EX-04 Rise of Alters (ROUND 2)”

  1. Again, these pair of decks seem to counter each other in interesting ways. With a combination of DP minus, DP bounce and easy access to high DP blockers, Kuzuha almost naturally stops the old Tesla and Thetis from pulling off their consecutive <Jamming> attack combos to quickly and suddenly gain the lead or end games. On the other hand, the new Jelly line's access to evolution card trashing also naturally breaks the Kuzuha cycle while having the potential to wipe their wide board rather easily. I would say Kuzuha is generally more consistent since it does build off previous Sakuya support so the deck has multiple routes to meet its wincon whereas Amphi, like Diarbbit, still suffers from having 1 evolution line that doesn't have complete synergy with its new boss Mega (ESP 4 THETIS WITHOUT 'JELLY' IN TEXT). But all this will change with the new support in BT-13. Looking forward to how the deck will evolve! But I gotta say I love all the wacky combos Kuzuha can achieve like just going wide with Kaiser Nail or my favourite that was shown at the end of the video: Digital Translator triple attack!

  2. Well that game was nuts

    Spoilers: I'm surprised how similar the khuzamon deck is to the old sakuyamon deck back in bt9/10 just "draw the right cards at the right time and you will pop off" but more consistent. And maybe if jellymon was a swarm deck they would have been able to deal serious damage instead of resolving several dp – effs on nothing. But weirdly enough the new jellymon deck reminds me of the alphamon deck from bt8/9 with the multiple attacks thing. And with the added non OPT removal added on along with all of the other blue "trash evo source" support this deck seems a bit nuts. But in the end the game was over when amphimon sent khuza's entire field to the bottom of the deck in one turn.

  3. Aww what a shame Kuzuha/Sakuya lost, I wanted to see her go up against Siriusmon. Anyways, nice game, love the anime part you added to give the fight more feeling.
    Also, damn only 2 Plug-in S's? That's a really big risk you took there RustMarrow

  4. I have a really similar Amphi deck. The only real differences are Lobomon for the 2 other champions since you can have a lot of tamers in play, and blitz Omni to top it off. Also a single red plug-in to pull off the cheeky Tesla/jamming win 🙂


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