America's Biggest Bank Failures | BBC Reaches Deal With Gary Lineker | Vantage With Palki Sharma

President Joe Biden has said the US will do “whatever is needed” to shore up the banking system. This comes after two American banks collapsed in less than 48 hours. Is the US under threat of another major financial crisis? Palki Sharma tells you more.

Sports presenter Gary Lineker will be back on air after the BBC pulled him last week for criticising the country’s new migration law. What is the controversy all about and can the BBC lecture other nations on impartiality? Palki Sharma explains.

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37 thoughts on “America's Biggest Bank Failures | BBC Reaches Deal With Gary Lineker | Vantage With Palki Sharma”

  1. Palki Sharma is good orator she has good acumen on covering social and political issues. She should pursue with topic related to her intrest. Trying on other topics like these may or may not justify her show. I too may not be good on saying this but there is undeniable pockets of overall improvement if at all it becomes compulsory for her to attain, there are lot other global issues her viewers may not aware or wants her to speak about.

  2. We feel all those who converse in English are intelligent, & that's the problem. We don't understand it's their mother tongue. There are English-speaking idiots are more than brainy. That's why Indians shine & occupy the top posts.

  3. Palkiji, your analysis of this crises are correct, also consider the fact this is self inflicted problem, USA and western countries need not interfere in Russia and Ukraine matter but they wants war must go on and their failure to manage own country economy and buisness can be hide . We feel sorry for citizens of western countries.

  4. Any economic students who don't understand the banking system etc etc, just need to listen this. Even ecomnic profesdors would not be able to explain the fundamentals like how palki explained.

  5. What about the risk management in the big bank which are expected to hedge their investment risk and what about the internal and statutory auditors who have failed in their professional duty and last of all the federal reserve reklessly raised interest rate and now using tax payers money to bal out these falling banks

  6. The failure of Silicon Valley Bank has torn into global markets, with investors ripping up their forecasts for further rises in interest rates and dumping bank stocks around the world. I'm at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my dipping 200k stocck portfoliio, what’s the best way to take advantage of this bear market?

  7. If regional/smaller banks lose money as people move to GSIBs (Global Systemic Important Bank) because the larger banks insure 100% deposits, and we end up with 4 of 5 SIBs could their terms of service could include digital Banking?


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